Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Learn more about these changes in the latest Patch Notes.
About Us
Lorwolf Staff

Alaunis Profile Picture
Alaunis - Co-Founder/Artist
Alaunis is the co-founder and lead artist of Lorwolf. She also handles writing, marketing, business management, and all of Lorwolf’s social media accounts. She has many hats and for some reason tries to wear them all at once.
JimJim Profile Picture
JimJim - Co-Founder/Programmer
JimJim is the co-founder and lead programming wizard for Lorwolf. When he is not busy creating coding magic, he spends his time running Lorwolf’s servers and squashing bugs. His favorite activities include making games and playing games.
Swell Profile Picture
Swell - Junior Programmer
Hello, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Swell! Fun fact: Elmo impersonator.
Quiche Profile Picture
Quiche - Community Manager/Head Moderator/Junior Artist
Quiche is the Community Manager as well as Head Mod and Junior Artist for Lorwolf. They love to get creative and spend their free time drawing even more and writing lore.
Haunt Profile Picture
Haunt - Junior Artist
Haunt is a Lorwolf artist who could best be described as a creature of the night, staying awake well after the sun sets. Aside from art, he enjoys watching weird movies, listening to metal, and lounging with his beloved bearded dragon.
Pancake Profile Picture
Pancake - Junior Artist
When she's not napping, Pancake can be found doodling or playing any number of video game.
Lorwolf Volunteers

Elyzian Profile Picture
Elyzian - Junior Moderator/Discord Moderator
Elyzian is a volunteer moderator and enjoys role-playing games, jigsaw puzzles, and rainy weather. Outside of Lorwolf, Elyzian works as a software developer.
Fennelroot Profile Picture
Fennelroot - Junior Moderator/Discord Moderator
Fennelroot: Fen is a human person (definitely not a Fae) that loves nature and all green things. When not lurking onsite, you can find them spending time with their pets, traveling or deep in the forest doing…nevermind
Maggotjuicebox Profile Picture
Maggotjuicebox - Junior Moderator/Discord Moderator
MJB is your local, friendly discord mod! He loves curling up in a blanket with a hot beverage and tending to his many virtual pets. He's always juggling a handful of different hobbies such as art, knitting and coding, never quite mastering any of them.
Achilles Profile Picture
Achilles - Junior Moderator
Achilles is your local mud creature moonlighting as a Lorwolf mod! When they aren’t skittering through the forums, they can be found writing lore, reading, hunting shiny Pokémon, or talking about obscure species of freshwater vertebrates.
Ath Profile Picture
Ath - Junior Moderator/Discord Moderator
Ath is the resident wild woof hunter mod, they are always lurking, just like the woofs themselves.
Beidou Profile Picture
Beidou - Discord Moderator
Beidou, also known as witchy (or witchyyweasel), is your local ferret enthusiast who hoards your extra rogue totems! She’s friendly, charismatic, and loves to lend a helping hand.
Eindride Profile Picture
Eindride - Junior Moderator/Discord Moderator
Eindride, also called Sheera is a very friendly face, feel free to reach out for anything! She's very enthusiastic about animals, especially cats and horses, and even works in a Salmon farm!
Creative Credits
A special thanks to those that have helped shape the creative content of Loria. This includes creative works such as art and coding.

Moreii Profile Picture
Moreii created the bone armor set and a number of items.
Patreon Supporters
  • Melisse W.
  • Tofubear
  • JaydenDSin
  • PyschoPickles
  • Eli
  • Alanna
  • Katherine B.
  • Warborn
  • Devin K.
  • Tomic
  • Zoe
  • Celine S.
  • Natalie B.
  • Tiffany L.
  • Starfire0
  • SevenEggs
  • Maria H.
  • Thomas T.
  • Iggy
  • vega
  • Firtarian
  • cockadeku
  • Caesar
  • Cyanide
  • Kendall L.
  • kaylee
  • Creature Workshop
  • Chryso
  • Ko
  • Eurasian Lynx
  • Cherry
  • Liam M.
  • Quinn G.
  • Lapine
  • Faedora
  • Malakh
  • Wash
  • Dezi
  • Maya
  • Faolana the Worgen
  • FallenRibbons
  • Mallek
  • Tigermoji
  • Laura
  • Leo
  • Amy
  • Strolling Orca
  • Anna H.
  • Sabrina
  • Crowley
  • Julianna
  • pecknxck
  • Bich T.
  • Namielle
  • Alistair
  • Mian W.
  • Charlotte
  • Adriana D.
  • Azura Rose
  • Ronan
  • Ki
  • NoirHartArt
  • Kallie G.
  • Lottie L.
  • Firepuma
  • A Pseudonym
  • Bluerose
  • Mikah N.
  • Katlyn P.
  • RADI
  • AwkwardArin
  • flawedglitch
  • Nicole A.
  • TJ I.
  • The Real Emo
  • Katie R.
  • Veshke
  • Chaboi D.
  • Rowan R.
  • Kourtni B.
  • Jackie R.
  • Fennelroot
  • beerdude417
  • Anne-Marie
  • Maureen M.
  • Joe B.
  • Hannah
  • Melanie A.
While the number of virtual wolves in Loria increases with every minute, the real wolves of North America are facing widespread habitat destruction and population decline. Please consider making a donation to the Wolf Conservation Center, so that they may continue their mission of protecting these beautiful animals and their habitat.

The Wolf Conservation Center teaches people about wolves, their relationship to the environment and the human role in protecting their future.

Founded by Hélène Grimaud in 1999, the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit environmental education organization working to protect and preserve wolves in North America through science-based education, advocacy, and participation in the federal recovery and release programs for two critically endangered wolf species - the Mexican gray wolf and red wolf. The WCC's three education wolves reside on exhibit where they help teach the public about wolves and their vital role in the environment. Through wolves, the WCC teaches the broader message of conservation, ecological balance, and personal responsibility for improved human stewardship of our World.

Wolf Conservation Center Website

Bashful Games Profile Picture
Bashful Games Logo
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Bathing on an Arturas
Boil 'em, Mash 'em
Canictonis Crossing
Dreaming About You
Fields of Loria
First Snow
Follow the Leader
Good Morning, Challengers
Haunted Cave
Head in the Clouds
Into the Deep
Lone Wolf
Mosey Through the Forums
Nothing but Time
Play Date With Nana
Queueing Up
Silly Walk
Sleepy Wolves
Sunken Melody
The Mighty Remain
Through Goldsea
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