Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
Fishing Frenzy Weekly Event

Tension snaps as fish break the water’s surface with a resounding splash, a deft paw swifter than the clever eye claims its prize. Complete fishing activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Koda’s weekly fishing event shop.

February 4th - 10th

Fishing Frenzy is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.

Happy fishing, Lorfolk!

Farming Festival Weekly Event

Soil parts, sprouts surface and fields of lush crops blossom under the tender paw. Watch your lands become ripe for the picking and celebrate the bounties harvested. Complete any activities this week to earn tickets to spend in the Farming Festival’s weekly event shop.

January 28th - February 3rd

Farming Festival is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.

Cooking Camp Weekly Event

Sweet smells drift from a warm campfire, steak sears and broth bubbles as we take shelter under the trees in the wild. Complete cooking activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Thumbs’ weekly cooking event shop.

January 21st - 27th

Cooking Camp is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.

Happy Cooking Lorfolk!
Crafting Caravan Weekly Event

Yarn slowly unravels, fabric stitches together and metal is bent to shape, simple material becomes art under the careful paw. Complete crafting activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Miss Mac’s weekly crafting event shop.

January 14th - 20th

Crafting Caravan is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.

Happy crafting, Lorfolk!

Abundant Activities Weekly Event

After all the hustle and bustle of the Profession Weeklies, it’s time to loosen your focus and wrap up any tasks you see fit. Complete any activities this week to earn tickets to spend in Abundant Activity’s weekly event shop.

January 7th - 13th

Abundant Activities is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.

Plentiful profiles is on a brief hiatus while Quiche is on vacation!

Icerun Seasonal Event

Happy New Year, Lorfolk!

Happy New Year, Lorfolk! We'd like to thank you all for a wonderful 2024 and all your support. It has been an amazing journey so far and we are looking forward to a bright 2025.

Icerun Seasonal Event

A winter's chill is in the air… the Icerun Seasonal event has begun!


Rumours speak of a darkness that has touched the most desolate border of Icerun. Elders speak out, recounting old tales from their ancestors. Chaos, the malevolent force that once haunted Loria centuries ago, has resurfaced. No creature is free from his influence, and those that are too slow to escape become possessed, or as the lorwolves call them, "The Consumed." Rally your pack and join the Icerun fight against the first chaotic whispers that threaten to shake Loria to its core. Read about Icerun’s first encounter with The Consumed here.

How the Icerun Seasonal Event works

During the entire month of January, players can earn Icerun Vouchers by completing various activities around the site. These Icerun Vouchers can be spent within the Icerun Seasonal Event Shop.

How to earn Icerun Vouchers

Releasing Wolves

During this event, Icerun Vouchers are rewarded by releasing wolves to help fend off The Consumed along Icerun Borders. Icerun players will also earn double Icerun Vouchers when releasing wolves. Go to any wolf page and click on the Tree symbol to release wolves.

Seasonal Activities

You can locate these Seasonal Activities on your Activity bar by selecting the switch button on the top right, as well as the Icerun Seasonal Page under the Play dropdown. Like daily Activities, more Seasonal Activities will appear on the taskbar after completion.

Seasonal Progress

Completing the above Icerun Seasonal Activities will award points towards your Seasonal Progress to earn rewards and additional tickets. Note: Players may have made some progress in the seasonal event before release, so some seasonal activities may appear completed.

You can also unlock a Pebble Path upgrade of your Seasonal Progress for 200,000 pebbles to unlock the Epic Icerun 2025 Seasonal Antique Gold Set. Optional copies can also be bought for Icerun Vouchers. The Antique Gold Sets will be soft-retired after the event and placed in the Frozen Icerun Cache.

Antique Gold Ranger Antlers
Antlers for the Antique Gold Ranger set. (2025 Icerun Seasonal)
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Antique Gold Ranger Longbow
Longbow for the Antique Gold Ranger set. (2025 Icerun Seasonal)
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Antique Gold Ranger Shawl
Shawl for the Antique Gold Ranger set. (2025 Icerun Seasonal)
Sells for 250 Pebbles


Icerun Arena: A PvE version of the site's regular Arena mini-game. Players can fight against 5 packs of The Consumed with no time limit between rounds. Stand above The Consumed and take 1st Place for 5 Seasonal Vouchers. Note: We are aware of the bug with the rewards showing the wrong typo placement rankings. This is a visual bug, however the rewards are correct.

Icerun Trials: A version of the Gauntlet mini-game where players fight consumed enemies. Reorganise your team between rounds to push yourself to the limits. This game differs from the original, however, in that beating and earning rewards for each round can only be done once per seasonal event. How far will you go this season?

New Companions are running amok in Icerun!

Rough, tough and ready to fend their lands, the Minimoose have come out to join the fray. Collect these Icerun 2025 Seasonal companions available for Icerun Vouchers in the Icerun Seasonal Shop. The Minimoose will be soft-retired after the event and placed in the Frozen Icerun Cache.

The Consumed are available to recruit

Are your lorwolves hopeful to aid, curious researchers or perhaps… agents of Chaos? No matter their interests, some of the Consumed Companions are willing to join your pack. You can find them every year available for Icerun Vouchers in the Icerun Seasonal Shop. The question now is will you be able to resist the temptation of Chaos that they bring?


Icerun Consumed Companions will be available every year in the Icerun Seasonal

General Consumed Companions will be available every Pack Seasonal.

Icerun Apparel

Grateful for your help on the Icerun border, Icerun locals have set up apparel to buy for Icerun Vouchers. Prowl the frosted lands with the Ranger outfit sets and take a break to celebrate winter activities with a Snowwolf and Poinsettias.

The Rare Ranger Sets, Poinsettia Garland, Poinsettia Headpiece and Snowwoof will be available in the Icerun Seasonal every year for Icerun Vouchers.

Poinsettia Garland
This garland brings a festive flavor to any occasion.
Sells for 500 Pebbles
Poinsettia Headpiece
Poinsettias are common decorative flowers for Icerunners.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Thumpity thump thump, look at Snowwoof go!
Sells for 5K Pebbles

Dusty Rose Antlers
Antlers for the Dusty Rose set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Jolly Winter Hunter Belt
Belt for the Jolly Winter Hunter set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Dusty Rose Longbow
Longbow for the Dusty Rose set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Dusty Rose Shawl
Shawl for the Dusty Rose set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles

Moss Green Antlers
Antlers for the Moss Green set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Shadow Winter Hunter Belt
Belt for the Shadow Winter Hunter set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Moss Green Longbow
Longbow for the Moss Green set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Moss Green Shawl
Shawl for the Moss Green set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles

Steel Blue Antlers
Antlers for the Steel Blue set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Tawny Winter Hunter Belt
Belt for the Tawny Winter Hunter set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Steel Blue Longbow
Longbow for the Steel Blue set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles
Steel Blue Shawl
Shawl for the Steel Blue set.
Sells for 250 Pebbles

Thank you all in advance for your feedback across discussions, suggestion threads and Support Tickets. You are what makes Lorwolf tick and keep on going.

Good luck on the Icerun borders, Lorfolk!

Mining Mayhem Weekly Event

Spiralling down never-ending caverns down to Loria’s core, unearth the hidden potential from the rock walls themselves. Complete mining activities this week to earn tickets to spend in Kavi’s weekly mining event shop.

December 31st - January 6th

Mining Mayhem is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.

Happy Mining, Lorfolk!

Hunting Holiday Weekly Event

Glittering treasures, exploring the unknown, settling scuffles and defeating hostile foes, there’s no end to an adventurer’s work. Complete hunting missions this week to earn tickets to spend in Stella and Coco’s weekly hunting event shop.

December 24th - 30th

Hunting Holiday is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.

Happy Hunting, Lorfolk!
Fishing Frenzy Weekly Event

Tension snaps as fish break the water’s surface with a resounding splash, a deft paw swifter than the clever eye claims its prize. Complete fishing activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Koda’s weekly fishing event shop.

December 17th - 23rd

Fishing Frenzy is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.

Happy fishing, Lorfolk!

Farming Festival Weekly Event

Soil parts, sprouts surface and fields of lush crops blossom under the tender paw. Watch your lands become ripe for the picking and celebrate the bounties harvested. Complete any activities this week to earn tickets to spend in the Farming Festival’s weekly event shop.

December 10th - 16th

Farming Festival is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.

Cooking Camp Weekly Event

Sweet smells drift from a warm campfire, steak sears and broth bubbles as we take shelter under the trees in the wild. Complete cooking activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Thumbs’ weekly cooking event shop.

December 3rd - 9th

Cooking Camp is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.

As mentioned in this post, changes were made to the Icerun Seasonal sets in which players could trade in via DMs. As a reminder: As an apology for the change [to Icerun Seasonal Items], Lorfolk who have collected additional Icerun sets can message Quiche#460 to exchange their Icerun pieces for the Epic Frostbite Winter Hunter Set or Icerun Seasonal 2024 Companions until the end of November, 2024. Just send a trade with the Icerun Seasonal set pieces which will be exchanged to the Epic equivalent or Icerun Seasonal Companion requested. This is just a little extension as well as a reminder for last calls that Lorfolk can trade up till 14th December via Quiche's DMs. Thank you all for your understanding.

Happy Cooking Lorfolk!

Crafting Caravan Weekly Event

Yarn slowly unravels, fabric stitches together and metal is bent to shape, simple material becomes art under the careful paw. Complete crafting activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Miss Mac’s weekly crafting event shop.

November 26th - December 2nd

Crafting Caravan is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.

Happy crafting, Lorfolk!

Abundant Activities Weekly Event

After all the hustle and bustle of the Profession Weeklies, it’s time to loosen your focus and wrap up any tasks you see fit. Complete any activities this week to earn tickets to spend in Abundant Activity’s weekly event shop.

November 19th - November 25th

Abundant Activities is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.

Music fills the air, alongside the sounds of parchment crinkling and ink being ground. The scribes of Loria seek out new stories and tales to add to the Great Records, offering rewards in return for the divulging wolf.

Our Plentiful Profiles forum event is back again. Create and submit one of your wolves' profiles to receive prizes. You can find out more about Plentiful Profiles here.

Specialty: Besprinkler
Use: Randomize the colors of all layers on a wolf.
Abundant Activities Voucher
Exchange these Vouchers in the Abundant Activities Shop!

Last round’s Plentiful Profile Spotlight is:

Okro's Bone

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Do you want to see what all the fuss is about? Check out our demo and design your own wolves.

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Bathing on an Arturas
Boil 'em, Mash 'em
Canictonis Crossing
Dreaming About You
Fields of Loria
First Snow
Follow the Leader
Good Morning, Challengers
Haunted Cave
Head in the Clouds
Into the Deep
Lone Wolf
Mosey Through the Forums
Nothing but Time
Play Date With Nana
Queueing Up
Silly Walk
Sleepy Wolves
Sunken Melody
The Mighty Remain
Through Goldsea
What to Buy?