Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Learn more about these changes in the latest Patch Notes.
8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3
Lissa's Lorwolf Advent Activity Calendar Raffle | Free to enter!

Lissa's Lorwolf Advent Activity Calendar Raffle

Opens Dec 1, 00:00 LW time | Entries Close Dec 31, 23:59pm LW time.

What. Is. This?

The Advent Calendar is a daily December raffle!
I will post the daily activity prompt every day as close to rollover as I can.
If you complete it and submit it before the following rollover, you will receive 5 tickets for that day's raffle.
If you complete it and submit it by the end of the month when the raffle ends, you will receive 1 ticket.
There will be 26 prizes total, 1 for every day from Dec 1-25th
& then one Grand Prize which will include entries from every day!

Raffle will be drawn approximately the first week in January!
It really depends on how long it takes me to finish putting together entries to decide the exact date.
I plan on doing the drawing live in the Discord and announcing the winners real-time as I draw them, so I will try to provide 24hrs notice minimum for anyone who wants to be present during the drawing!

What Do You Mean By Activities?

I have a variety of different things planned! They may be an on-LW site activity or it might be a word puzzle, maze, coloring page, creative prompt (you do something however it inspires you.. writing, art, something in real life?), etc.

Current Daily Raffle Prizes

Longhorn Aurox
You know how the saying goes: "If you mess with an Aurox, you might get the horns."
This companion has a 4h cooldown
Longhorn Aurox
Base Health 43
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 7
Base Speed 8

Possible Rewards

Sells for 6.6K Pebbles
Spotted Aurox
Aurox are great agriculturalists and can give you some advice on how to maximize crop efficiency.
This companion has a 4h cooldown
Spotted Aurox
Base Health 43
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 7
Base Speed 8

Possible Rewards

Sells for 6.6K Pebbles
Carrot Seeds
Requires level 45 farming
Want to grow some Carrots?
Grow time: 6h
Sells for 30 Pebbles
Purple Carrot Seeds
Requires level 45 farming
Want to grow some Purple Carrots?
Grow time: 6h
Sells for 30 Pebbles
The premium currency of Loria.
Emerald Pothos Planter
Your average Pothos plant.
Sells for 100 Pebbles
Golden Pothos Planter
Such pretty golden highlights on the leaves!
Sells for 100 Pebbles
Hearts Planter
Show some love with little leaf hearts!
Sells for 3K Pebbles
Variegated Hearts Planter
Lovely variegated little hearts in a sturdy planter.
Sells for 3K Pebbles
Knucklebone Token
Collect enough of these and you may be able to befriend a wild wolf!
Spring Leaves
Instead of a spring stroll, how about a spring roll?
Sells for 1.5K Pebbles
Summer Leaves
A perfect summer’s day to roll in leaves.
Sells for 1.5K Pebbles
Autumn Leaves
The perfect autumn crunch your coat needed.
Sells for 1.5K Pebbles
Winter Leaves
It’s a bit chilly, maybe some extra leaves will add to your winter’s coat.
Sells for 1.5K Pebbles
Specialty: Besprinkler
Use: Randomize the colors of all layers on a wolf.
Whirlpool Hydra
Be cautious around shallow waters, a Hydra will strike quickly and efficiently!
This companion has a 4h cooldown
Whirlpool Hydra
Base Health 27
Base Attack 7
Base Defense 5
Base Speed 8

Possible Rewards

Sells for 4.5K Pebbles
Cherrywood Colpach
Though the Cherrywood Colpach is much fancier than their counterpart, they are still just as savage.
This companion has a 4h cooldown
Cherrywood Colpach
Base Health 27
Base Attack 7
Base Defense 5
Base Speed 7

Possible Rewards

Wolf Experience
Designed by Fennelroot
Sells for 4.8K Pebbles
Willow Colpach
Blends perfectly in the swamp. If you see what you think are lanterns in the night, run.
This companion has a 2h cooldown
Willow Colpach
Base Health 27
Base Attack 7
Base Defense 5
Base Speed 7

Possible Rewards

Wolf Experience
Designed by Fennelroot
Sells for 2.4K Pebbles
Moonlit Vulpactia
Despite their mischievous nature, the Moonlit Vulpactia are known to help lost wolves find their way at night
This companion has a 2h cooldown
Moonlit Vulpactia
Base Health 27
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 6
Base Speed 6

Possible Rewards

Designed by Phantom
Sells for 2.6K Pebbles
Harvest Vulpactia
Often found in the lower branches of trees, these creatures enjoy dropping acorns on unsuspecting wolves.
This companion has a 2h cooldown
Harvest Vulpactia
Base Health 27
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 6
Base Speed 6

Possible Rewards

Designed by Phantom
Sells for 2.6K Pebbles
Giant Lunaria
These large yet timid cats are known to bring good luck to all who meet them.
This companion has a 2h cooldown
Giant Lunaria
Base Health 27
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 6
Base Speed 6

Possible Rewards

Designed by Lesbean
Sells for 2,550 Pebbles
Lynx Point Lunaria
Legend says that these cats can see glimpses of the future through their third eye.
This companion has a 2h cooldown
Lynx Point Lunaria
Base Health 27
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 6
Base Speed 6

Possible Rewards

Designed by Lesbean
Sells for 2,550 Pebbles
Auspicious Teufel
It is said that anyone who befriends this being will receive good fortune. Lucky you!
This companion has a 4h cooldown
Auspicious Teufel
Base Health 31
Base Attack 7
Base Defense 4
Base Speed 6

Possible Rewards

Sells for 10K Pebbles
Sordid Teufel
This powerful equine is fiercely territorial and prone to dramatic outbursts.
This companion has a 4h cooldown
Sordid Teufel
Base Health 31
Base Attack 7
Base Defense 4
Base Speed 6

Possible Rewards

Sells for 10K Pebbles

(*not all items pictured!)
Spotted Aurox, Longhorn Aurox, Emerald Pothos Planter, Golden Pothos Planter, Hearts Planter, Veriegated Hearts Planter, Other Apparel, Knucklebone Tokens, Moonstones, Spring Leaves, Summer Leaves, Autumn Leaves, Winter Leaves, Besprinkler, Whirlpool Hydra, Cherrywood Colpach, Willow Colpach, Giant Lunaria, Lynx Point Lunaria, Harvest Vulpactia, Moonlit Vulpactia, Sordid Tuefel, Auspicious Teufel
Seeds, Food, + unshown Custom Apparel!

Current CAs are shown in the below post on our Elf, Parrot the Wolf.

& More TBD! More ticket companions will be added throughout the month
See below about donating prizes!

Grand Prize

Holiday Snowcat
This snowcat celebrates the holiday season all year long.
This companion has a 12h cooldown
Holiday Snowcat
Base Health 27
Base Attack 6
Base Defense 6
Base Speed 5

Possible Rewards

Wolf Experience

Holiday Snowcat
your entries throughout the month will combine to enter to win the Snowcat!
the more days you enter, the more chances you have to win!

Can I Win More Than Once?

If RNG is in your favor, yes!

Can I Buy Tickets?

Not exactly, but you can donate prizes to get more!
If you want to receive extra tickets, you can donate a prize worth at least 25ms for 25 extra tickets PLUS your other entries will be doubled.
(You will get up to 10 tickets a day instead of 5. This means you can get up to 275 chances to win the Snowcat).
You can donate to earn extra tickets anytime before the raffle closes!
Limit of 1 extra ticket offer per person.
*I reserve the right to sell/trade any donations for other prizes if we get too many of the same prize in the pool

Click Here To Join The Pinglist

Lissa's LW Gifting Games Discord

this will be where we can chat & you can get instant announcements about the latest updates to all of your favorite games
(Like LOLO, Secret Santa, Advent Activity Calendar Raffle, etc)

Click Here To Join The Discord

Do You Need Any Help?

I wouldn't mind 1 or 2 people who are willing to be a back up prompt posted in case I am busy.. you however would be excluded from winning since it would give you an unfair advantage of seeing the activities in advance. You will need discord to help out since the prompts will be stored there & since they will be posted both on LW & on discord!

Signature/Bio Buttons

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

How Do I Know If I Entered Each Day?

Check Here

This sheet only shows whether or not forms were submitted!

These are not your entries, they will be tallied at the end of the month.

They are in alphabetical order, and there may be duplicates if someone had to re-submit their form or submitted twice by accident. I will fix those as I tally up entries.

8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

The Prize Keeper

in case you would like to see any of the CA that have been donated, you can view them on this wolf these wolves! (We had so many CA donations, Parrot had to recruit a friend to join him!)

Current CAs In The Prize Pool
Passion's Wings by Laughing Fool
Aurora Fish by Laughing Fool
Haunted Enchanter by Laughing Fool
Vampiric Enchanter by Laughing Fool
Blue Rose Wings CA by reanimagpie
Black Accented Contour by foxriddles
2x Holiday Plush Toy CA by Brunette
2x Holly the Squirrel CA by LaughingFool
Winter's Waltz CA by Ironlily
Witch's Hat by lissajo
Witchy Broomstick by Brunette
Poinsettia by LaughingFool
Aurora Mage by LaughingFool
Star Blessed by LaughingFool
Frost Butterflies by LaughingFool
Mark of the Blue Mage by LaughingFool
Ring-tailed Gaze CA by SovereignFives
Evening Tundra CA by SovereignFives
Soft Dreams of Hydrangea CA by Succrose
Mistletoe the Squirrel by LaughingFool
Cinnamon the Honorary Reindeer by LaughingFool
Holiday Sweater by LaughingFool
Monarch Flower Foreground by Sherushi
8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

Gingerbread House Builder

will be able to be submitted Dec 24

December 1

Today's Activity Is: Bingo

Download your Bingo card and play Bingo all month long! You will submit your card Dec 25. (You are submitting it today.. I changed things up and missed editing this) Those who 'blackout' (check every box on their card) will be entered into a drawing for a bonus prize!

Bingo Card

Go here & go to File, Make A Copy.
Click Share & Change The General Access to "Anyone With A Link"
If you don't feel comfortable with sharing your email with me, you can put Submit A Screenshot in the box. This will get your tickets for today but you can just submit an image at the end of the month (I will send a reminder to anyone who chooses this option)
The Bingo Card can also be found on the Complete The Activity form.

Today you will also get access to the Dec 24th Activity: Build A Gingerbread House! It also can be found here.

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity Day 1

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 2

Today's Activity Is: Coloring Page

Today's activity is a coloring sheet which can be found here:

you can use a digital program such as medibang, gimp, or MS paint to color this or you can print it off and color it traditionally!

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity Day 2

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 3

Today's Activity Is: Word Search: Companion Catastrophe
(The companions have escaped! Can you find them all?)

To play, download the image below and open it up in an art program. Circle/highlight/mark the companions as you find them! When you are finished, save thw image and upload it to imgur or discord and submit it on the form below/

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity Day 3

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 4

Today's Activity Is: Spread Some Holiday Cheer!

Post a funny gif or an animal/pet pic on the forum/discord or send a compliment, fan art, or small gift to someone! You can do anything that might brighten someone's day a little bit more. (You are not required to gift anyone unless you want to!)

If you haven't already, today is also the perfect day to mark off one of your Bingo squares by posting a Wishlist on your Lorwolf profile (or linking to your wishlist wolf)! Pick a few things that you might like to receive if someone decided to gift you. The more specific the better - people are more likely to treat someone who has the exact thing they want (instead of listing apparel, list Spring Leaves & Fishy Treat for example)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 5

Today's Activity Is: Crossword

Today's activity is a Crossword Puzzle which can be found here:

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 6

Today's Activity Is: Guess How Many?

Guess how many pompoms are in the ornament! If anyone gets the number exactly right, they will receive a bonus prize!

for accountability, when the raffle is over, I will post screenshots for everyone to see of the discord message dated before today that has all the answers to the Guess How Many games in it

There is also a gif here if you want to see all sides of it.

I am hiding the gif behind a link in case anyone has issues with spinning objects

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 7

Today's Activity Is: Maze

Today's activity is a Maze which can be found below.
(alternate, easier on the eyes version here) Both mazes are identical, the only difference is the color

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 8

Today's Activity Is: Coloring Page

Today's activity is a coloring sheet which can be found here:

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 9

Today's Activity Is: Cryptogram

Today's activity is a Cryptogram which can be found here:

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 10

Today's Activity Is: Scavenger Hunt

Today's activity is a Scavenger Hunt! Now that you've decrypted my message, it's time to take a hunt through my dens and protect Christmas from Korvo! Follow the mysterious wolf tracks from wolf to wolf to collect everything we need.

● Each wolf will give you a hint of where you need to go next.
● Their clue could relate to the next wolf's name, clothing it's wearing or general appearance!
● When you think you have found the correct wolf, look at their profile.
● In their bio you will find some mysterious wolf tracks (Korvo's perhaps?)
● The bio will have the hint number, item you found, and your next hint!
● There are 22 in all!
● There are no wolves in my Sales Den, but they might be in any of my other dens!

To complete the activity, you will need the Hint #, Wolf's Name & What Item They Have For You!

It's dangerous out there with Korvo lurking in shadows. You shouldn't be wandering around alone. I know, as your first hint, why don't you ask this woof with her nose so bright, won't you help me find everything on our Scavenger Hunt tonight?

Here is a link to LissaJo's first den to get you started!

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 11

Today's Activity Is: Spread Some Holiday Cheer!

Post a funny gif or an animal/pet pic on the forum/discord or send a compliment, fan art, or small gift to someone! You can do anything that might brighten someone's day a little bit more. (You are not required to gift anyone unless you want to!) If you haven't already, today is also the perfect day to mark off one of your Bingo squares by posting a Wishlist on your Lorwolf profile (or linking to your wishlist wolf)! Pick a few things that you might like to receive if someone decided to gift you. The more specific the better - people are more likely to treat someone who has the exact thing they want (instead of listing apparel, list Spring Leaves & Fishy Treat for example)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 12

Today's Activity Is: Word Search

Today's activity is a Word Search! Due to feedback on the previous Word Search, I have opted to use a site where you can fill it in! There is also an easy mode & a hard mode (you only have to do 1 but you can do both if you want to, there is no extra tickets for completing both) When you submit the screenshot of the finished puzzle, please include the Show Answers button in it so I can see you didn't just check the box & take a screenshot of the pre-solved puzzle. All Around Loria | Easy Mode: All Around Loria | Hard Mode: if you need help, the answer password: korvo

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 13

Today's Activity Is: Coloring Page

Today's activity is a coloring sheet which can be found here:
alternate versions: white background or black background w/white lines
transparent background

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 14

Today's Activity Is: Crossword

Today's activity is a Crossword Puzzle which can be found here:
(edit: Sheets ate my link and decided to change the URL by one digit.. I corrected the above link but the old one is here. You may submit either to complete today's activity!)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 15

Today's Activity Is: Cryptogram

Today's activity is a Cryptogram which can be found here:

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 16

Today's Activity Is: Family Feud

Today's activity is Family Feud! You are going to go straight to the Complete The Activity form to answer some holiday-themed questions.. try to give what you think is the most popular American answers! The highest scoring person will win a prize (if there is a tie, a random winner will be chosen from the eligible people).

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

December 17

Today's Activity Is: Spread Some Holiday Cheer!

Post a funny gif or an animal/pet pic on the forum/discord or send a compliment, fan art, or small gift to someone! You can do anything that might brighten someone's day a little bit more. (You are not required to gift anyone unless you want to!) If you haven't already, today is also the perfect day to mark off one of your Bingo squares by posting a Wishlist on your Lorwolf profile (or linking to your wishlist wolf)! Pick a few things that you might like to receive if someone decided to gift you. The more specific the better - people are more likely to treat someone who has the exact thing they want (instead of listing apparel, list Spring Leaves & Fishy Treat for example)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 18

Today's Activity Is: Guess How Many?

Guess how many Hershey kisses are in the tree! If anyone gets the number exactly right, they will receive a bonus prize!

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 19

Today's Activity Is: Coloring Page

Today's activity is a coloring sheet which can be found here:

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 20

Today's Activity Is: Maze

Today's activity is a Maze which can be found here:
(alternate, easier on the eyes version here - both mazes are identical, the only difference is the color)
(alternate, easier on the eyes version here: - both mazes are identical, the only difference is the color)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 21

Today's Activity Is: Word Search

Today's activity is a Word Search! Due to feedback on the previous Word Search, I have opted to use a site where you can fill it in! There is also an easy mode & a hard mode (you only have to do 1 but you can do both if you want to, there is no extra tickets for completing both)

When you submit the screenshot of the finished puzzle, please include the Answers button in it so I can see you didn't just check the box & take a screenshot of the pre-solved puzzle.

If you prefer to do the word search in an art program, you can screenshot it and do it that way too!

Thumbs Is Hangry | Easy Mode
Thumbs Is Hangry | Hard Mode

If you need help, the answer password: thumbsishangry

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 22

Today's Activity Is: Coloring Page

Today's activity is a coloring sheet which can be found here:

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 23

Today's Activity Is: Spread Some Holiday Cheer!

Post a funny gif or an animal/pet pic on the forum/discord or send a compliment, fan art, or small gift to someone! You can do anything that might brighten someone's day a little bit more. (You are not required to gift anyone unless you want to!) If you haven't already, today is also the perfect day to mark off one of your Bingo squares by posting a Wishlist on your Lorwolf profile (or linking to your wishlist wolf)! Pick a few things that you might like to receive if someone decided to gift you. The more specific the better - people are more likely to treat someone who has the exact thing they want (instead of listing apparel, list Spring Leaves & Fishy Treat for example)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 24

Today's Activity Is: Submit Your Gingerbread House

Upload your gingerbread house creation (and share on the forums or Discord if you'd like)

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

December 25

Today's Activity Is: Guess How Many?

Guess how many mini-marshmallows are in the snowman! If anyone gets the number exactly right, they will receive a bonus prize!

Once you have completed today's activity, don't forget to go

Complete The Activity

filling out this form is important! the timestamps for submission will determine if you will receive 5 tickets by completing it before rollover or 1 ticket for completing it before the raffle ends Dec 31!

8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3


8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3


8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3


8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3


8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3
8 months ago
The Helpful
🦴 gremlin (she/her)
395 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 62
Forum Comments: 535
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

you may now post :)

8 months ago
The Lurking
149 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 14
Forum Comments: 182
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1

This sounds fun! I’ve filled out the thing for the pinglist!


I do art of your wolves for free, just shoot me a message! (I’m not very good, it’s just to practice my digital art!)

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Bathing on an Arturas
Boil 'em, Mash 'em
Canictonis Crossing
Dreaming About You
Fields of Loria
First Snow
Follow the Leader
Good Morning, Challengers
Haunted Cave
Head in the Clouds
Into the Deep
Lone Wolf
Mosey Through the Forums
Nothing but Time
Play Date With Nana
Queueing Up
Silly Walk
Sleepy Wolves
Sunken Melody
The Mighty Remain
Through Goldsea
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