2 months ago
Donkey’s Braying Writing PitStop

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Wolf bio- 1MS = 35000Pebbles

Wolf/pack lore- 2ms = 70000pebbles

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wolf bio

A goofy, kind-hearted soul. He could do no wrong.

Unless a time of need is upon them, his claws are used only for cooking meals for his pups.

Pack lore

The pack arose from the ground fell from the heavens above.

In a time of calm they ruined it, chaos they came to fix it. With the power of the underworld heavens, they took to their divine calling. Mending all that they could.

They are a warning blessing, from the deities. All that go against them risk great demonic divine powers being used against them. The

cult followers lorwolves that wish to be saved join the pack, listening to their demons angels.

Wolf lore

Lunar’s mother was a goddess, she held the power of the sun. Her loving followers told her of the worries, with chaotic souls taking over.

She went down from her resting place among the clouds to bring order to her world that was turning into a wasteland, but, most of her followers’ pups had already been taken.

She looked over to the mangled feathers of scavengers, rage within her eyes. She took a mighty swipe, the swipe held so much

power that shards of the sun fell. When those shards hit the ground there in the ash of the followers’ pups arose, Lunar, Eclipse, and Sun.

Lunar had arose so far from her siblings she knew little, all that she was aware of was they replaced her mother.

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