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11 months ago
!!!??The poppgand??!!!

The story to end to all stories. All incredibly miss spelled and rando. i've never done this before and probably do this agin

11 months ago
It all starts off with Poppy Wolf the long descendant of Rose Wolf who ruled the kingdom of KiwiStarDom. this kingdom was female only and procreated via self-duplication and lady-on-lady action. the kingdom to an mlp infection au brought to their land by an infected Bobbon. Queen Rose Wolf Put a barrier around there to keep the infection from spreading. In the chaos, she let her only noninfected child escape Princess Cupcake who would Rome the land looking for a purpose after her kingdom had fallen. Cupcake's body would start to slowly decay forcing her to self-duplication to preserve her lineage. But self-duplication does not guarantee a perfect rest of the duplicated Wolf. For each duplicate, even fewer remains of the original wolf are left, so for hundreds of years, she had self-duplication removing her purpose for roaming, her memories, her culture, and her name. Now she is Poppy a lone wolf who wonders.
11 months ago
Poppy wonders about the land until she meets another wolf."It is rolling in the mud. Why is it rolling in the mud?" she wonders. Poppy prances toward the other muddy wolf. the wolf takes notes of her. They slowly approach each other. Take a sniff here, take a sniff there. The other wolf smells odd, but nice. "Hoi! My name is Poppy. :)" she exclaims. "Hay I'm Pine!!' he claimed as bounced around her "I've come from the forest over there," He says "Very nice forest lodes of mud. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)". what a nice, but way to talkative.
3 months ago
Poppy and Pine walk through the forest " So how'd ya get here? Where are you going?" Pine asks "I don't know where came from or I am heading but I know I have a purpose for my travels." Replies poppy
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