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3 months ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
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Want to create a world with me?

(Hello! Do you all want to create a world with me? I will write the first piece as a starter for the world. However I will be using wolves as the main species I will be using.)

The world was dark and bland. No color, no wind, sun, clouds, just barren ground until 6 wolves appeared. Fenrir, the fire wolf, a big spirit wolf who is black with fiery markings and flaming fur, he created lava and the volcano's. Fern, the earth wolf, a small spirit wolf who is dark brown with vines and flowers creating her pattern. She created the grass, trees, meadows and everything to do with the earth. Astro the northern wolf, a large spirit wolf who painted the sky with colors and eventually he created the northern and southern lights also creating the stars.

Spira the sun wolf, a medium sized spirit would who created the sun and the moon. She is half yellow and half purple, with glowing white and black markings. Sky the wind wolf, a small spirit wolf who created the wind and the desert, as she keeps the planet cool and warm enough for life to prevail. She is seethrough and has glowing blue and purple markings. Serval the water wolf, a very large spirit wolf who created the oceans, rivers, icebergs, snow and clouds with Sky. He is dark blue with different shades of blue, green and white markings. Together they created the world full of life although unbeknownst to the 6, two other wolves had been created.

Magica the wolf of magic, a medium sized spirit wolf, she created magic and created enough magic for mythical creatures to exist and thrive. Although she doesn't have a phisical form she appears as a Galaxy colored wolf. Zephyra the wolf of darkness, a medium sized spirit wolf, who created the shadows and dark caves. She didn't overwhelm the world with shadows because she didn't wish to be feared. She appears as a pure black wolf with shadows that seem to seep off of her.


I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

3 months ago
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Maybe the world could have lesser wolf spirits that act as servants to the greater spirits and enact their will on the world? Different lesser spirits would follow different greater ones.

3 months ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
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Good idea! Would you like to make a few?

I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

3 months ago
184 Achievements
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Oh yes I’d love to! Sorry for taking awhile to respond, I couldn’t get a moment to write

Some prominent servants of the primordial wolf spirits, starting with…drum roll…

Fenrir: Bati Xaga, formed of the volcanic obsidian of one of his great eruptions. He serves Fenrir’s will by chaining threats and evil within his obsidian mirror. He is a stocky black wolf with red/orange lava-like streaks.

Agni, formed of the land created by lava. He serves Fenrir’s will by overseeing the rebirth by fire of both the land and wolves. He is a lean mid-sized deep orange/red wolf with golden stylized flame-like patterns.

Fern: Druid, formed of the blooming of flowers. She serves Fern’s will by overseeing spring celebrations and birth. She is a delicately-built mid-sized wolf with muted darkish mid-green fur with pink and yellow flowers blooming from her fur.

Astro: Dayfly, formed in the wake of Astro’s aurora. She serves Astro’s will by guiding those lost and teaching wolves the constellations. She is a large, imposing dark blue wolf with golden stardust in her fur and white constellations scattered in her pelt.

Spira: Parhelion, formed of the illusion of a bright spot next to the sun. He serves Spira’s will by warming everywhere he walks and leaving growth in his wake. He is a slight, mischievous-looking shining golden wolf with a white belly and chest.

Gibbous, formed from the moon’s light upon water. She serves Spira’s will by lulling wolves to sleep and teaching them how to heal under moonlight. She is a lithe white wolf with light grey mottling and darker grey ticking that resembles a moon’s craters.

Sky: Gale, formed of the sand shifted by the wind. They serve Sky’s will by reminding wolves to both fear and respect the wind. They are a wispy, curly-furred wolf with light/mid grey swirling patterns in their fur and muted gold specks that resemble shifting sand.

Serval: Baleen, formed of what lurks in the depths of the ocean. He serves Serval’s will by crafting marine wonders and guiding deep sea currents. He is a very large bulky wolf with dark blue-grey fur with darker ticking and a mid blue-grey belly.

Loch, formed of civilization built upon waterways. He serves Serval’s will by bringing prosperity to waterside societies as well as flooding waterways on occasion. He is a small, stout aqua-colored wolf with a sandy yellow underbelly and a white snout.

Now for the sneaky ones! Their servants would be veeery sneaky too.

Magica: Arcanis, formed from a symbolic act of magic. They serve Magica’s will by discreetly encouraging magical advancement and teaching wolves runes. They are a large but delicate wolf with a translucent body and colorful lava lamp blobs swirling inside of them

Zephyra: Anise, formed from cave mushrooms. She serves Zephyra’s will by nourishing beautiful ecosystems in caves. She is a small, stout wolf with dark grey-brown fur with black merle and brown cave mushrooms climbing up her shoulders.


3 months ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
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That is impressive! I never would have thought of that! Thank you! Also don't worry about not replying right away.

I was also thinking of making a God for this world but I can't think of a name. You can also add onto this if you want.

Appearance: A massive pure white wolf with even larger white wings. They have golden and obsidion colored markings that make them look etheral.

Though they never show themself, they watch over the planet and it inhabitants thoughtfully, giving them what they need when they need it. Providing seers with knowledge of what could come to be. Even though they are gender neutral they will eventually appear as a female wolf with an overwhelming and calming aura.

Primordial Spirit Wolves:

Lesser Spirit Wolves:
Bati Xaga


I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

3 months ago
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Ooh I love the idea of a God! Maybe for names: Empyrea, Zenith, Halcyon/ia, Arcadia, Transcendia, Hearth.

Maybe the God is capable of shapeshifting and does it sometimes to take care of the mortal wolves (e.g. a mysterious white owl tells a wolf that their family will be endangered by a mudslide), as well as sometimes appearing in dreams to lead the world's inhabitants on dream journeys.


3 months ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
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I like Empyrea and Transcendia.

Shapeshifting and apearing in dreams is a really cool idea!
Should I turn this into a RP? Because I am now flooded with ideas and I can only make those work in a roleplay. XD


I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

3 months ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
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Oh! I almost forgot, How about each Primordial Spirit wolf has a tribe/pack/clan that can wield their element or have abilities that correspond with each Primordial spirit wolf?

I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

3 months ago
184 Achievements
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Yes that's definitely a good idea!! How big are we thinking the packs/clans/etc are and do they live in regions that reflect their Primordial Spirit? And I'd love to turn it into a RP! It's been a couple years since I last roleplayed but I think it's like riding a bike, you never really forget.


3 months ago
Cybertronic AU
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
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I was thinking fairly large and yes they live in regions that reflect their primordial spirit. Would you mind if I had it be a group roleplay?And yes it is like riding a bike.


I love roleplays! Send me a pm if you would like to rp! I also have a bunch of pups about to be born. Come check up on my den to see the new pups! Ones I don't want will be in my giveaway/sales den!

3 months ago
184 Achievements
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Mining Rank 1
Oh totally I think a group roleplay is the best way to do it! Where will it be hosted?

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