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3 months ago
Another new person

Hello, I just joined. I am 35, and a mother of 2. I like to read, craft, play video games, and just walk around the woods. I do work full time in an office setting and the kiddos are young, so I don't know how often I'll get on and be able to respond but I'd love to make new friends.

3 months ago
The Tired
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Mining Rank 4

Hello there, and welcome to Lorwolf!

Its nice to see so many new people join recently. I'm also a mother of two and we share so many of the same hobbies. Except the job thing. I currently am a stay-at-home-mom right now. But even if you don't spend a lot of time here due to RL and work, I hope you enjoy the time you do spend on here. If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask, us Lorfolk here are all very friendly and willing to help newbies learn the site. :)

3 months ago
The Lone Wolf
357 Achievements
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Mining Rank 3
Heya Rainhexx, welcome to Lorwolf! :)
3 months ago

Hello there, and welcome to Lorwolf!

Its nice to see so many new people join recently. I'm also a mother of two and we share so many of the same hobbies. Except the job thing. I currently am a stay-at-home-mom right now. But even if you don't spend a lot of time here due to RL and work, I hope you enjoy the time you do spend on here. If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask, us Lorfolk here are all very friendly and willing to help newbies learn the site. :)

I did work from home from 2021-the end of 2023. Then I was laid off and recently got an on-site office position. I like it though. I can listen to podcasts and audiobooks while I'm working and watch things or read during down time.
I've been on many many petsites. Been trying to find a couple to stick to. Came across this one when someone mentioned it in a discord for another after they were talking to someone else about another. That sentence sounds so confusing to me. I tried another wolf related one, but got bored unfortunately. Still learning how to navigate this one. Liking it so far.
3 months ago
The Tired
411 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 8
Forum Comments: 150
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 4
Gauntlet Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 4

I've thought about doing the whole work from home thing, but I don't even know where to start looking. :/ But that does sound nice. Remote work has always been appealing, even before the whole pandemic.

Well, it's nice you found this place and you're liking it so far. I've always been drawn to sites like these. I started waaaaay back when I was little and was really into Neopets. Showing my age a little now, but oh well. xD It's not that confusing. I understood what you meant, anyways. xD But I usually bounce between Flight Rising and Lorwolf now. Actually, Lorwolf has been my petsite fixation as of late. Lorwolf can be a bit overwhelming at first, or at least it was for me, until I learned all the ins and outs and found my own groove and how I wanted to play. So, I'm sure you'll get there too. But the important thing is you're having fun, which it seems you are. :)

3 months ago

Remote work can work out well for you. My first gig was a call center. I will say that unless your kids are quiet... call center work isn't for you. At least with the company I worked with really didn't want any background noise at all. Same company, but different department I did recruitment. I liked it a lot better. The only reason I got in was because my sister-in-law was with the company for 7 or 8 years before I got hired. But most of us were all laid off at the end of 2023. It was a mess. I'd suggest not looking on Indeed for sure. Too many scam posts on there. Also anyone that makes posts on FB not stating the company or a link to an application...scam. You learn to see them fast.

I started on Neopets way back in the day. I've also been on Ice Pets, Tattered Weave, Marapets, Flight Rising, Dappervolk, Goatlings, and Santae. There are a few others that I tried but couldn't get into... Wolvden, Chicken Smoothie, Xanja or whatever it's spelled...and another I can't remember. I mostly get on Santae and Flight Rising(even though I don't do much outside of the games and dailies... I want to change flights and not having the gems to do so annoys me). I try to get on Dappervolk, but since I use GX and it doesn't like that browser for the games, I don't get on often as I'd like. :(
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