Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
3 months ago

Hiya guys I been playing for a bit now I finished chapter one of all packs I don't know how to move onto the next chapters but I'm learning! Anywho I'm Grohiik! I love wolves very much they are my fav animal and my wolf leader is Aurora :D She is my precious. My name is Wolf in dragon tongue :) I love elder scrolls, dragon age, fallout, Pokefarm Q(my huge fav), I like Lorwolf very much ;o;

3 months ago
The Tired
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Hey there! Even though you've been here for a bit, welcome!

As of right now there's only one chapter. But, they do plan on releasing the second chapter sometime and, with it, the level cap. Which, I think is exciting. Aurora is gorgeous, by the way. :) Also, I love that you used the dragon language from Skyrim for your username. Elder Scrolls is one of my favorite games too (especially ESO) and Dragon Age is pretty good too (though kind of salty about Veilguard). But nice to see you're liking it here. ^-^

3 months ago
Oooooooooooh gotcha tysm for letting me know I can now start farming woohoo!! Ty I love her very much I bought her a week ago as a puppy she is my leader and will be my main sona! I love ESO!!! But my fav game ever made was Morrowind and Oblivion but I really love skyrim!
3 months ago
The Tired
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No problem. I can't wait for them to release chapter two. I farm a lot, already, but I am really looking forward to the level increase. I love leveling things. Well, good choice in leader, because she deserves it. Though, I may be a bit biased. I can't help but love a purple/black wolf. xD ESO is my main fixation game right now. I mean, I've pretty much been playing since launch and I still find it enjoyable. But, don't get me wrong, all the Elder Scrolls games I've played I've enjoyed and put way too many hours into them. I didn't get into ES until Oblivion, so sadly I missed Morrowind. I probably would have loved it though. There's just something about that world and the lore that I just can't help but get lost in.
3 months ago
I love everything in ESO I'm a werewolf Nord but I haven't played Elderscrolls for months since I have no console to play it on at the moment but I enjoy playing on my PC more :) I like playing Pokefarm Q and Lorwolf for my games :) I love farming and fishing but I do sometimes play Skyrim on my switch but I'm mostly on my Laptop
3 months ago
The Tired
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Mining Rank 4

I used to be an Xbox player. In the last three-ish years, we finally got some good internet and after not being able to play much of anything for several years due to our current provider being so slow (3mbps slow), I was actually finally able to play things on my PC. And, I must say, like you, I enjoy playing on my gaming laptop far more than console. Plus, all my friends are PC players, so its just easier than going back to console. Not to mention, my Xbox kind of decided to die on me last year. He was old, I don't blame him for keeling over and becoming a glorified paperweight. xD

I don't think I've ever played Pokefarm Q. Though, sadly, I have kind of outgrown Pokemon. Never thought that would happen, but I've been so out of touch with it and the last game I played was... ummm... Moon? But, that was kind of when I realized, Pokemon just wasn't my thing anymore. I do have some fond memories though. The last Pokemon game I really enjoyed was Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and my favorite gen will always be gen 2. Silver/Gold/Crystal were my favorite games of the franchise hands down. I am kind of tempted to try the new games, but I don't know if I will. They just seem interesting being open world and all.

3 months ago
I love all Pokemon :) Pokefarm Q is a fan made game for mostly Pokemon breeders been playing since 2017 :D I love playing games I'm busy farming atm so my replies are slow :)
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