Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
3 months ago
84 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Me? take 6 months to join?

This has never happened, why would i do that? Read: it's the second time it has occured...

Hello! I'm Nul, i exist on PCE (by the same name) and FR (currently DoodlePoodle!) too!

I have no clue what i'm doing :)

Maybe i'll be a regular maybe i wont, well see!

3 months ago

I also took over 6 months to start playing... which sucks because I could have had some low digit wolves lol

I also have no clue what I am doing haha
I am Sionainn on FR, no idea how to link it like you did though! I think I see your name in the ah or something a lot though, I recognize it. :)

3 months ago
84 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
@Sionainn Yeahh it's cause i actually *delayed* joining slgiht so i could make a leap day account creation date. (i wanted a special date since if i really got into the game the date would mean something for me!) Once the day came, started heading to bed (gotten all comfy) then went OH NO- OH NO I FORGOT- Rush to make the account and everything...

iirc i was making my progens (suupperr early in the night) and noticed the time.. i was like "wait what- what the f-" and panicked, i asked someone to look at my account to see it's creation date and you guessed it, march 1st *sob* i think i was like.. barely an hour late

i'm leap day in spirit i guess.. I just got er.. angry and abandoned the account out of spite. Recently i've seen some peeps in a server i'm in playing and i was like "ya know what imma try again"
So that's the story of how my progens have a "birth"date much later than account creation lmao

PCE had the same thing, but i was just stressing abt making my progen, WHAT STATS???
I managed to get an id of *1233* on pce.. NOO my 1234... D:

I have no clue tbh. i mainly hang around on like bumping a sales thread. Though recently i had a lot of motivation to forum game. But tbf it's a fairly distinct username? I've had it since i joined.
I'm not really vibing with the cutesy username though, but i haven't found a username i'm ready to stick with, it's hard coming up with a username, man.
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