I know I've been gone for a 2-3 months, BUT I'M BACK!! I've been really busy with school and trying to get more sleep. I also recently (since my birthday) started reading Wings Of Fire. I have 1-10 in my bedroom, I've read 1-7 of the graphic novels, and I also use a reading app on my laptop so I've been reading the 3rd arc, so I've read 1-11, and I'm in the middle of book 11. I'm also starting a similar thing for SCP's because I'm not over 18 so I sadly cannot create my own SCP OC canonically, but that is a story for another forum thread. I want some new ideas for WoF tribes, and characters. I'm creating 2 main WoF OC's, and want you guys to vote for your favorite, I'll create a google doc later to explain these two dragons. I also need name ideas, because I'm doing the hybrid challenge. Sadly this is all the time I have to post, I'm very busy at the moment and will be back later. I know my bio is pretty old, but don't worry, I'll fix it when I have time. If you guys want, I can create a thread for a WoF RP, and another for an SCP RP. I'll also be creating her backstory in a google doc for you guys so you know who or what my OC is. I hope you all have a great day/night! <3
Edit: Finished making Buzzards backstory!