Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
12 days ago
Riley Volmyr
The Focused
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Need Ideas for a new Wing Of Fire tribe

I know I've been gone for a 2-3 months, BUT I'M BACK!! I've been really busy with school and trying to get more sleep. I also recently (since my birthday) started reading Wings Of Fire. I have 1-10 in my bedroom, I've read 1-7 of the graphic novels, and I also use a reading app on my laptop so I've been reading the 3rd arc, so I've read 1-11, and I'm in the middle of book 11. I'm also starting a similar thing for SCP's because I'm not over 18 so I sadly cannot create my own SCP OC canonically, but that is a story for another forum thread. I want some new ideas for WoF tribes, and characters. I'm creating 2 main WoF OC's, and want you guys to vote for your favorite, I'll create a google doc later to explain these two dragons. I also need name ideas, because I'm doing the hybrid challenge. Sadly this is all the time I have to post, I'm very busy at the moment and will be back later. I know my bio is pretty old, but don't worry, I'll fix it when I have time. If you guys want, I can create a thread for a WoF RP, and another for an SCP RP. I'll also be creating her backstory in a google doc for you guys so you know who or what my OC is. I hope you all have a great day/night! <3

Edit: Finished making Buzzards backstory!


~The Volmyr lover~

12 days ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
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Some tribe ideas:

ShadowWings: Dark dragons with smoky eyes and see-through membranes on their wings- their flames are pitch-black.

StormWings: Grey marbled dragons with bent tails like lightning. These dragons live high in the sky, and their roars sound like ominous thunder through the sky. They can shock others with their claws.


12 days ago
The Rookie
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I haven't read the whole series, so I'm not sure if any of those are agaisnt the canon, but:

Polarwings: a tribe with scales so long and crowded it looks like they're fluffy, like yaks. They live on snowy mountains.

Grasswings: they have greenish or yellow coats so they can camouflage in the grass, and they may live near savannas.

A tribe where the dragons are tiny like they have dwarfism.

A tribe where their wings are too small to fly, so they use it as hands? Or only as fins if they're water dragons? These marine ones could live too deep in the water that they are a little transparent, like some fishes.

Cavewings: dragons that look like gemstones. Or live underground?

12 days ago

Feathered dragons!

Blind dragons (as a tribe)!

Feathered AND scaled dragons!

Scavenger friend dragons!


Bloodwings: Blood red wings, hunt but only drink the blood. Very loyal, small units, sort of like mudwing siblings. Very poisonous (like, neurotoxin)

Blightwings: Red, brown, and green. Their wing membranes are crisscrossed with red/green veins. Keep a bacteria colony in their fangs to infect prey with.

Stormwing: Gray-blue wings, breathe lightning, bronze tail spikes that can keep electrical energy when struck.

Wyrmwing: No limbs other than tail. Alabaster scales, vivid, gem-like eye colors. Very rare and reproduce ~once in a million years. Almost all are animus dragons, but usually hibernate for most of their lives.

Lightwing: Iridescent/shimmery/metallic scales that can blind other dragons. Small tail spikes that can be fired like pebbles from a slingshot when whipping their tail around.


You will not survive the night.... Not if I decide that you won't.

11 days ago
Riley Volmyr
The Focused
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Note: I will do the most requested one, (Stormwings so far, but I have my own idea for that one) And I am learning how to draw dragons from WoF so yes, I will draw them for you guys, and if I do it on paper, it sadly won't be colored, but if I draw it on ibis paint, it will be colored, shaded, etc. I also have my own ideas for lightwings, but, like I said, I'll do the most requested one, picking after a week, and do three of the most requested! Yes, I will sell my art for ms or pb, depending on details. I'll create a forum for it later, this is just a heads up!

~The Volmyr lover~

10 days ago
Riley Volmyr
The Focused
130 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1
ANNOUNCEMENT: I will also draw Three lucky peoples WoF OC's/ Original Characters! Yes though, they will cost some PB or MS depending on if it's on paper or Ibis Paint. Make sure to give AS MUCH INFO as possible! Sadly, I cannot do full body drawing, only head and neck. If it's on paper, it won't be colored, only with gray scale. I don't have my phone, so most artwork will cost PB. I will also make my main OC (depending on which one you guys choose) on my phone, I will accept fanart, and some other art pieces will be made by my IRL Friend, M3l, and yes, I will make sure to give credits to her! That's all I have for now, I also have a break for a week, meaning I'll be more active and posting! I hope you guys have a good day/night!

~The Volmyr lover~

7 days ago
Riley Volmyr
The Focused
130 Achievements
General Rank 2
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Cooking Rank 2
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Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1
Announcement: I won't be posting for a while, I'm very sorry about this, and let me explain why I won't post for a while. This morning, I woke up with a splitting headache that made me want to scream, my muscles have been extremely sore to the point where I can barley walk (It took like 5 or more minutes to get my laptop) My throat is dry as heck, I'm loosing my voice, and I'm not hungry for whatever reason, and I'm overheated. I know I'm not sick because I took my temperature this morning, but after doing some research, it might have something to do with a mental illness I might have. Even just moving puts me in a lot of pain and I don't know why. So until I feel better, I won't be posting for a while, because my parents told me to just rest. I'm very sorry for this inconvenience, and hope you all understand, have a good day/night!

~The Volmyr lover~

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