11 months ago
Arena Late Stage

I'm really enjoying the Arena! I genuinely think it's one of the best and most unique features on the site. However, I find the gameplay begins to drag once you get into the last stage of the fight, when you have all 3 star models (also, ngl i'm not a fan of the name ‘models’ it confused me at first). There's basically nothing left to do there unless you decide you've made a bad team decision and speedrun 3 starring a new model to switch in. But the majority of the time I just switch to a new tab and let the Arena run itself out without even watching. Like, as I'm typing this post, my arena match is playing in a different tab.

It would be really nice if the game was expanded in such a way that late stage gameplay is still valuable. Some way to spend paws instead of just letting them build up, some reason to keep your attention on the arena. The beginning of the match is so exciting and tense, I hate that it becomes boring by the end. It was satisfying the first few times, watching my well tailored team blow through the competition, but now I just end up wishing it would end sooner so I could start a new match.

tldr; either it needs some new “end game” mechanics, or matches need to end sooner. It drags too much and becomes boring by the end.

11 months ago

literally just had an idea pop into my head, maybe a way to level certain abilities of each creature in your team? spending paws to increase it's level and give it more effectiveness. Would make for a good paw sink and provide some extra interest at the beginning of the game too, since you'll have to choose between leveling skills, gaining new creatures, or increasing star levels. Would maybe drag out that tense beginning phase more as well, due to the paw spending being spread between more places and causing 3 star creatures to take longer to make.

11 months ago

Having the ability to use paws to boost a synergy bar could be interesting, to help the late game go by faster. The synergy bars are like, at really weird intervals and its hard to fill them up in matches normally.

11 months ago

Perhaps a way to transfer 1 filled section from one synergy type to a different synergy type? i've had plenty of times where i've got one stray section that just can't do anything. it could cost a high amount of paws. maybe it just switches one of the creature's synergy types?

11 months ago

i really feel the ‘arena games go on for too long’ they take 30+ minutes and most of it is spent just waiting for that 30 second timer to tick down in the late rounds…..

i think it could really benefit from a ‘ready up’ button that helps you match up with players that are also just waiting and are done arranging their teams! just something to reduce the time dedication

(and also in my opinion i think being able to swap a creature's synergy type might be a bit too much, but that may be just me- leveling up one of them could be neat though, especially if it's a late-game-only thing!)

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