11 months ago
Balancing the format of some of the professions pages

I feel like the interactive areas of some of the profession pages are a little right-heavy, so you have to scroll a good ways to reach the buttons you need to press to do those professions. The pages would feel more balanced if the page contents were more evenly distributed instead of mostly being to one side of the page.

I feel like those pages would feel more balanced design wise if:

  1. There were a drop-down menu for selecting a hunting mission under the “Professions > Hunting” header, about where the hunting mission banner is
  2. The Crafting Table area were below the “Professions > Crafting” header and above the known recipes
  3. The Kitchen area were below the “Professions > Cooking” header and above the raw food
  4. The areas for collecting water and compost were compressed into a single, smaller box and being under the “Professions > Farming” header

Overall I like the functionality of the professions pages but think they could be improved with balancing the elements.

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