11 months ago
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Remove Pack Change MS Cost/ Pack Functionality

Unless packs are given in-game functionality, packs are really nothing more than a starting zone and a colour on a forum banner, the fact that it costs 30 MS to change pack feels pointless- what is the product here? Why discourage me from changing? There is nothing that makes me feel any different to anyone else, regardless of their pack. We get the exact same content, I can do their campaigns, there's no competitive aspect between packs, no bonuses for the winners of anything. I get no benefits if I change so why charge premium currency? Why is my pack currently any different to my banner or my forum decor?

I think the solution here is remove the moonstone cost for now, at least.

I think a wider issue is that packs need a purpose, it's all well and good for me to choose my faction- who doesn't love that trope? But in Lorwolf this choice feels devoid of all meaning- It's not even changing my den background. I have no reason to have any kind of pack loyalty, community, or goals outside of my own personal ones. Without reason to do anything with this system, things like the Pack Forum are going to be dead and the identities of these seemingly important-to-lore packs are going to be reduced to nothing but a color on a forum.

11 months ago

I absolutely agree. The packs have no reason to exist right now. We could all be packless and there'd be zero difference. I'd much prefer if you could only access your own pack's area and each area had exclusive items. Then it would encourage trade between packs, at the very least. I don't really care about accessing other campaign stories, but those stories could at least provide some reason to charge us to change our packs.

11 months ago
27 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 5
Forum Comments: 159
Starter Rank 1

Agree 100%
I picked one without really realizing I won't be able to change it and for me is more of a lore thing than anything else. I won't be paying 30MS for a change.

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