11 months ago
[Gauntlet] Show silhouettes of next enemies after winning a round

I really like the Gauntlet! I was planning out teams before the site even went down for pre-launch maintenance and love seeing my team work well. My first goal when the game fully launched was to get my team set up an running, and I play it several times a day.

Something I've found though is that my team can be doing absolutely brilliantly one round, and then get totally demolished the next with no warning. I suppose that's the risk you run with the gauntlet currently, but it leaves me feeling like every round is a coin flip whether I come up against a good team or not. It leaves me feeling out of control in a game where planning and judging your capabilities are key, and if you make one bad decision the whole run is bust.

I would like to suggest that the player is shown silhouettes of the enemies they will face next round when they complete a round. This will let the player decide if they think the next round will be worth the risk - if they know what the silhouettes are! This would encourage the player to familiarize themselves with what enemies can appear, and even what synergy the team may have. It's a mechanic that helps out the more you play the gauntlet, and will even help you learn your team's weaknesses and strengths. Having the silhouettes doesn't guarantee a win either if the odds are close, so there's still a risk!

I think this would be a good update to the Gauntlet, and would encourage players who felt they were blindsided by a difficulty increase to have another go.

11 months ago

We support this suggestion as one that meaningfully leverages the player's knowledge to give them more control over outcomes without changing the ‘core gameplay’ but instead permitting them to consider and mitigate RNG.

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