11 months ago
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[Campaign] Make Gameplay Engaging

This will be a complex issue that can't be fixed that easily. But basically, I want my active, non-passive gameplay session to feel engaging. Right now- outside of the quests I suppose- the game is a page refresh simulator. For many events, the options are always the same.

I have no alternatives for Lorwolf gameplay. Arena is very demanding time-wise, it's PVP, and it's the ONLY feature where I actually have to think, strategize- and it's the only one I find engaging for this reason.

However, due to the time reason- the difficulty of it being PVP- and the prizes not being that great if I don't win… Even the RNG nature of whether or not I can even complete my team- I can't believe that this is intended to be where I spend most of my time.

There aren't even minigames for me to play- what is my active gameplay session on Lorwolf supposed to look like?

Make My Choices Matter

What is the purpose of these illusions of choice- the raspberry event- it's always the same. I don't even get wind directions to follow, it's just the same every time. The wild wolves? My choice doesn't matter and I don't have to even think about which option to pick, I get no indicator which option the wolf might like more BECAUSE it doesn't matter. Why is there an illusion of choice? I can turn my brain off entirely and I feel nothing while playing, no sense of accomplishment.

I want this game to reward me for engaging with it.

Why is XP this way?

Why is my most effective levelling strategy picking up moths and snails? Fighting a horde of 5 enemies will leave my single wolf with 1 xp whereas it can just grab a snail and get the same amount. I am being rewarded for the least interesting session possible- sure, my item numbers are going up, but it might as well be another play-by-itself feature,

The battles are also quite meaningless. If I'm going to lose, I'm going to lose. I don't input anything, I can't alter my synergy or party to get an upper hand, I just refresh to skip the fight because why watch it?

What is the Campaign for?

Is the campaign- after the story- supposed to be nothing but click-to-get-items? What is the intended experience here, is it supposed to be the drawing feature of Lorwolf? Is that where the “gameplay” lies outside of the wolf collecting/breeding? I understand it's supposed to reward me with items, but I'd love if it wasn't so bland. I'd like to have to consider my options.

Think Lioden, I get very limited energy there so of course it will feel less repetitive by default- but I also have a system to level up to new areas, to increase my impression, there are events I have to think about- I get fun visuals to look at that aren't just my lion facing one side and some random NPC on the other- it feels more like an adventure.

I engage in the fights, The Lioness claiming makes me at least consider what personality the lion is displaying to increase my odds of claiming her- I can get quests that require me to seek out certain events and outcomes- I usually leave an explore session feeling accomplished, and more immersed, even if I'm technically getting less out of it and can't do it infinitely.

Something New

If the campaign isn't supposed to be where my active gameplay lies, I think we need something else where you are rewarded for being there, rewarded for doing more and for thinking, and don't have to worry about it being PVP. Rewards don't have to be phenomenal, but even if it were like a FR coliseum where I can gather food, xp and maybe get some rare useful drops, it would be a nice change from the endless refreshing of the campaign. I like the synergy system, I think it's interesting- maybe do something with that that isn't Arena.

Basic minigames would be fine to distract for now.

A bigger suggestion could be some self-contained PVE dungeon style adventure game where you recruit members, level them and build up a party with different synergies or abilities to fight things or complete challenges and are rewarded with items. I know this would take a lot of time and be a complicated one- and I haven't thought out any specifics, just an idea that would be more engaging than the campaign and could really use that synergy system.

11 months ago
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I forgot to address the Gauntlet here- the Gauntlet doesn't fare much better. I have no idea what team I'm about to go up against, I can't change my party, my choices are still very meaningless.

11 months ago

TBH the exp part of the campaign confused me completely lol. Why do I get the same amount of exp from battles as I do picking up random things? And why do I not get more exp from fighting higher-level enemies in comparison to my own level? The campaign feels very grindy, as if to make up for some lack of content. I will also admit that it is not that engaging, as all I do is click buttons and repeat. I do agree that it needs some tweaking to make it more engaging. The funniest part of the site so far is the Arena, yet it doesn't have any bearing on my wolves whatsoever. The game right now feels more like a doll dress-up game with other elements which is completely fine! Most pet sims are really just doll dress-up games lol. But I wish there were more engaging attributes with the main gameplay draw.

11 months ago

Agreed. I am liking the campaigns stories, but it really does just become mindlessly clicking. And once you’re done with the story available to you, the only other use for it is getting food or refreshing until you get a wild wolf and pray to your wolf deity that its feeling nice today. (It usually is not)

11 months ago

Agreed; I'm interested in the story, but the quests feel like a slog - especially when there's multiple layers of rng to it (example: apparently there isn't as big of a mite problem in goldsea as the game wanted me to think, because a vast majority of those nests my wolf checked had none - AND I was still getting all the normal zone events - which meant I couldn't progress the quest until rng decided to cooperate.)

EDIT: Also another thing - stuff like the digging up a trinket or drinking water events, they could easily just be one or even two fewer clicks if they just brought you straight to the result. There's no reason to ‘ignore’ them from what I can see, anyways.

11 months ago

Honestly, I've gotta agree. In a few days I don't doubt that the shiny newness will wear off and most of this will feel incredibly boring to me. I'm not exactly anticipating playing for very long because nothing is truly engaging or interesting.

There isn't that much of a sense of progression in the professions, despite the level system, because most of the progressing is just unlocking a new area at some arbitrary level number. I like that higher levels in cooking make cooking time faster, why aren't similar level progression systems in place for other professions? Something that increases smelting speed, or growing speed, or seed return, or fish spawning.

And I highly agree that the illusion of choice in the campaign mode is pretty silly. I don't see what point there is to it. It's not making choices, it's just memorizing the correct answer, if there's any correct answer at all.

My point is, I want to like this game. I want to find something in it that feels good and engaging and rewarding, but it doesn't seem like there's many mechanics that support that or encourage the player to continue playing. The arena is one of the only things I find really engaging and fun, but it's the only place. And one engaging mechanic is not gonna keep players entertained for very long.

11 months ago
7 Achievements
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Forum Threads: 29
Forum Comments: 77

I kind of agree. The breeding is something to check on every few days. The moonstones are honestly expensive and needed for everything it feels like. The only reason I keep playing is to get wild wolves because that’s the fun part. we all know how that is though. it seems like getting any colors you like will be very time consuming, clicky and grindy

im going to keep playing but yeah this site is amazing the art is great but it’s not very fun

11 months ago

When I first learned the berry event was hard-coded to be the same result every time, I was very confused! Learning that there was just an illusion of choice definitely made the campaign less appealing to me. I wish there were a way to fast-forward and skip the battles, or at least auto-generate some campaign results, if there is truly to be no choice. Maybe just let it generate 20 or so results based on the chances of me encountering whatever scenarios and then show me the results. It'd be less grindy, certainly.

More XP for more difficult battles is certainly a great easy thing to implement to make the campaign feel more rewarding right away, I'd love to see the campaign worked on more in-depth.

11 months ago

Agreed; my interest in the lore and campaign is already waning because the different choices in dialogue and actions mean nothing. That on top of it being an auto battler for some reason means my biggest source of engagement right now when exploring is paying enough attention to avoid clicking “return to map” every time a different event text length pushes the buttons into a completely different vertical position.

I don't really get why they'd bother to include other text options if the end result is always the same. I also think it kind of stinks that if you defeat some but not all enemies, you just wasted your time waiting for it since you don't get partial exp. That on top of the agonizingly slow exp gain feels rather punishing for no apparent reason and makes exploration feel tedious and disengaging. I wasn't super into the flight rising coliseum but it was definitely more strategic than this, more fun than this.

{ Lorwolf Time -7 }
Casual wolf enjoyer
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