11 months ago
[QOL] Show EXP and exact stamina in exploring/campaign

When you're actively in a campaign, you can see a visual of your wolf's stamina bar but you can't see exactly how much stamina they have. You also can't see their level or how much experience they have, you have to go to their profile in the den to see all this - and there isn't even a quick-link to their profile from in the campaign, which makes it a bit clunky to go check every time you want to see any of that information. I personally like to feed my wolves in campaign as soon as their stamina is too low to explore again, but since I can't see the exact stamina I often end up guessing and then getting the ‘too tired’ page which breaks the flow. (I know I could just feed earlier, but it just feels a bit wasteful to me personally, even when it really isn't haha!)

So basically, this suggestion is just to add an experience and level indicator to the campaign exploring sidebar, along with showing exactly how much stamina a wolf has when hovering over their stamina bar - like how it is on the den page - and possibly also to make the little portrait of the wolf link directly to their profile. The experience could be another bar under the stamina bar (also showing the exact amount when hovering over it), which would be there for both wolves and companions, and the overall level could maybe be in the pop-up next to the wolf/companion's name when hovering over their image.

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