11 months ago
The Odd
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More Pebble Sinks

As of right now, we have…. extra space in your den for a pebble sink. iI don't know how far that goes, but at that rate, then casual players won't even be able to keep up with costs.

The Premium Currency, shouldn't be the main currency on the site, and it feels like it is.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
11 months ago

Yea, hard agree. I've been grinding daily quests for about an hour and a half and I've accumulated enough pebbles for (checks conversion rate) …3 moonstones.

There's definitely a serious imbalance with the use of moonstones over pebbles right now. Maybe some of the minor things (extra cooking space, extra mining space) could be made to use pebbles instead of moonstones?

11 months ago
The Odd
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It absolutely doesn't help everyone's listing everything for moonstones for the most part as well.

I'm not… going to pay 100 US dollars for a wolf on a site. I've been Grinding seriously since this weekend, and I've made maybe 4 moonstones? It feels you must pay the site in order to progress any.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
11 months ago
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A million times support. The number one thing when it comes to currency rebalancing that should be done.

11 months ago
The Merciless
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Hard agree. A lot of things that cost moonstones now had cost pebbles in beta, like adding space to your mining cart or cooking pot. I think that would be a good place to start, it worked well and was a good sink. Moonstones feel like the primary currency right now which is going to cause lots of problem quickly. I'm already sitting on a sizeable amount of pebbles and have nothing to do with them, and with moonstones being quite a bit of work to get outside buying them its unreasonable to make them the main currency for all QOL improvements. I don't think it will work well for the games longevity to have to grind for several months to get enough moonstones to expand your mine cart by 5 slots.


11 months ago
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Bumping this because I still think it's one of Lorwolf's current biggest issues.

It is not fun to be a low spender in the economy LW has right now. The moonstone to pebble conversion rate is just plain ridiculous. And I actually enjoy putting in a little extra work to meet my goals. But as someone who can't afford to heavily spend, it's feeling like I'm being punished and restricted from engaging with the game's economy instead. In addition to reverting profession expansions back to pebbles, I'd also like to see some more breeds and patterns be pebble-exclusive.

11 months ago
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I think Lorwolf does have a fair amount of pebble-sinks, but soon enough they're gonna be exhausted with how we have no other avenues to spend our pebbles just yet (maybe when people stop listing everything for moonstones on the Flea Market we'll fare better).

There are about 1.3 million pebbles worth of sinks in the Mole Market that are always there (wolf breeds/patterns & forum decor), and a range of crafting recipes/companions that cycle through that vary in cost. But I've already purchased a good chunk of both, and other than looking at the Flea Market, it's a gamble per restock whether you finish the collection, and you'll just collect pebbles in the meantime. If you make 100k a day, it'll only take you two weeks to buy all the fixed pebble items in the Mole Market. Then you could focus on buying everything else in the rotated categories.

I don't know if the cost resets per den page you're buying them for, but you can buy the first 13 wolf slots for under 100k pebbles (at 91k). However, 55k for 20 wolves overall (you get 10 slots free) on one den isn't a lot of pebbles for so many wolves, and you'll probably want to spend the 10 moonstones to make another den before spending a lot on space to avoid super crowded dens. If you stick with the 100k a day idea, you wouldn't start making a dent really until you hit 20 purchased slots.

11 months ago

100k a day? You must be joking.. I have 4k pebbles and 0 moonstones and this is day 3 of my being here.
Everything in the shops that I'd ever want and from the flea market feel like I'll never be able to afford in a million years A currency rebalance is something I'd strongly appreciate. there is no way I am going to pay 200 moonstones for the winged wolf breed changer. I will never reach that goal.

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