11 months ago
send to feature

i don't really understand the purpose of send to the den? there is already a pregnancy time which I feel is enough time to wait.

wouldn't just pressing ‘give birth?’ with no timer do the exact thing if you were waiting to be active - or a scheduled timer you could set if that is the main concern?

i do NOT want to wait 24 more hours just to get my puppies, personally. plenty of cool downs in way too many games vying for as much screen time as possible from its users is difficult for me. i already waited the pregnancy time. i might missing the point of the ~~Bonus wait time because i am new, though.

11 months ago
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I think it's to limit how many wolves you can have going into labor at once. The nest has three slots, limiting you to three concurrent labors at a time.

11 months ago
The Tenacious
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This was also something that came up in early access & beta that never got a response; it was widely requested to make a wolf going into the den the first thing that happened after they were bred. So then the full breeding timer was displayed from the start (without the actual times being changed, it would just compress the unnecessarily paired cooldowns into one), and then your action as a player would be to interact with the den when you wanted to move the puppies into your lair.

It would be a great quality of life change without interrupting the process of breeding, without changing how many “nest slots” you had, and still allowing players to fully choose when their puppies are born, so I'm not sure why the devs never gave a response to the original feedback about it either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

11 months ago

Is that? Wouldn't the 3 slots still stop that even if there wasn't a cool down? @____@ Or just shorten the timer from 23 hours to something way more manageable as a compromise? I still don't really see the benefit or over-all point for this mechanic. >___<;

11 months ago

@Reave I did notice that @ cool downs not showing! Weird choice there, too. Maybe just hasn't been coded yet??? o3o;

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