11 months ago
Restrict Activities to time available to be completed.

For time-restrictied activities (Fishing, Farming, Hunts), it would be nice if they would be restricted to how quickly they are even available – fishing in particular. I've frequently found myself with “dead” activity goals that I have to wait on instead of being able to continue cycling because I physically cannot complete them until time has passed.

Requested timers:

  • Fishing: 1 appearance per hour (bc you need two fishing trips to complete 15, and you get a trip every 30min)
  • Farming: 1 appearance per 20min (duration of the shortest crop I've found, which is available at level 1 to players)
  • Hunts: 1 appearance per 10min (shortest hunt duration available to players at level 1)

This is particularly true for Fishing because while you can kiiiiind of work around Hunts/Farming with a little bit of waste (e.g. leaving a crop unharvested or a hunt that's completed but not redeemed, which feels bad but can still clear the quest), there isn't really a way to keep up with fishing activities. Frequently I will have a 0/15 fishing quest languishing for 40+ minutes at a time while I wait for my two fishing windows to have come back.

Restricting it by time would allow the quest to still pop up regularly for people who just check up on the site once or twice a day briefly, but also not hamper active players who are playing for a few hours a day. Reducing frequency, by contrast, would benefit the active-for-hours users, but hurt the infrequent users because they would then rarely see those quests. Thus, the request for time-based system on the current activity (fishing) that can't be circumvented at all, and for any future activities on similar systems that may be added.

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