11 months ago
Rework Trinkets Without Uses

Hi!! :O I'm quite new here, so I've been bouncing around the forums for tips and information, and I learned that most trinkets currently don't have a use, but some do, and others may gain uses in the future. I have seen a suggestion for adding an indicator to differentiate if a trinket has a use, which I hope to see in the future, but it got me thinking about them in general. I also really want to hear other people's feelings on this type of item mechanic, so please share your thoughts if you wish! Especially because I don't think I've seen a conversation for this before.

I come from Flight Rising, in that game there's… a lot of items. They've added a database and tooltips that tell you what items have a use or not, but they didn't always have that. But even after they added that, I still struggle to clean my inventory of tens of pages of junk “just in case” any of them get a use in the future.

I won't lie, this mechanic bothers me. I can see it as a way for players to amass extra items to be ready for when an update hits that gives them a use, or to sell them in the meantime for extra money, but it just causes me inventory clutter and holding onto way too many of what I should probably have because I'm worried those items will go to waste or raise in value. I'm not familiar with the economy of this game yet so I don't know if this is applicable here, but on FR, those extra useless items sell for basically pennies straight from the inventory, and I don't think there's much of a market for them, so there's not even much worth to selling them anyway to me.

I also don't know if I see the appeal in having these extra items? That could just be a play style difference, though. I know there's users that like to collect as much of a random item as humanly possible in these types of games, so I don't know if the people with that play style would think differently on this :O

Also as far as I can see, there's no gallery to give your wolves items from your inventory that display on their page, so items without a use will sit in your inventory and won't ever see the light of day unless you sell them. Maybe a feature like a gallery or collection could also give trinkets that extra bit of use.

Basically all this to say, I'm concerned of running into the issue of item hoarding without an end in sight on this site too. So I think either currently useless trinkets should be given a small use, like the gallery idea, and/or trinkets are reworked to either exclusively be sell fodder/page decoration with no possible future changes, or don't introduce new trinkets unless they have a use.

Though honestly, a lot of my problems probably come down to my play style, as previously mentioned. Maybe this isn't an issue to most other people, I would love to know!

Edit: I thought I'd add that, for the gallery idea, ideally anything in your inventory could go into a wolf's gallery, not just exclusively trinkets!

11 months ago

I definitely agree with you! I really dislike item clutter on pet sites. It feels like content for the sake of content, an excuse to stick some “this game has hundreds of items!!!” advertisement somewhere to attract players with the idea of it. But if the majority of them do nothing and have no reason to exist, it's just rather frustrating to me. If we're going to have so many useless items, at least add something in the tooltip that says they're useless so that I can sell to vendor without fear.

And if the point of them is to prep for future systems that will give them a use, at least tell us that!! I do still feel like they shouldn't exist in the meantime, let them sit in the WIP box until the entire system is ready, but at the very least tell us what to expect.

Having a ton of food items that seem like they should be cookable, but actually aren't, is just clutter to me. Having a ton of crafting items that seem like they're needed for a recipe, but apparently don't have recipes yet, is just clutter to me. Having so so so many trinkets, when it seems that literally only one (the hunting trophy) has any sort of use, is just clutter to me. It adds nothing valuable to the game, just bloat for the sake of apparent “content”.

11 months ago
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No support. The game just came out. A lot of items with no uses probably will in the future, and those that don’t are a nice source of emergency money. I would like a way to tell what has a use and what doesn’t, but I don’t want the removal or ALL items to have a use. I like those sorts of things for their flavortext and for fun.

11 months ago


You are right about the site being new! A lot of my worries probably won't exist as the site gets more fleshed out :] I might be making assumptions/jumping the gun on how trinkets will be eventually treated, and I'd be happy to be proven wrong!

My post just comes from a place of concern as someone that has played another game for a long time, and has amassed items that still don't have anything to do with them after years of being introduced, and I've seen similar gallery suggestions for that site as a means of giving these items “value” outside of the sell-from-inventory feature. But again, that's just how I usually deal with resource management, by not managing them at all haha!

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