11 months ago
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[Economy] Custom Skins/Accents/Backdrop Tokens for Pebbles

Custom Apparel Tokens are fueled by Moonstones, and sell mostly for Moonstones. We need another infinite source incentivizing people to sell for pebbles and act as a pebble sink.

Backdrop Tokens and Accent/Skins Tokens would work on a similar system to apparel but would run off of Pebbles to purchase. I'm in no way advocating for both ideas to be used but at least one of them might be worth considering?

Backdrops: Cannot go over the wolf in any way, but can fill the entire box behind the wolf.

Skins/Accents: Cannot leave the wolf in any way. Skins are priced higher than accents and can cover 100% of the wolf. (May be subject to respecting lines/shading? I don't know, I don't want to touch that subject really because I adore the creativity and freedom of how unrestrictive Apparel is.).

There is still plenty of overlap with the Apparel but with different restrictions to make them unique and worth considering as their own thing, I think! Apparel still has the highest value, despite its 80% limitation, because it can do what neither skin/accent nor backdrop can, which is both go over and outside of the wolf, with no restrictions.

Using FR terms for skins and accents, apologies for any confusion related to the LW use of the term ‘accent'!



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