11 months ago
Manually Feed button for All Professions

Just posting an idea that came into mind. I think I saw a “Manually Feed” button somewhere, but can't recall what activity it was? (Maybe, hunting…?)

Just thought it'd be cool to have that button be present in all Profession! I don't want to max 100-energy my wolves all the time, as a micro-manager and energy-conserver kind of player. And while I'm alright with jumping, or having a separate tab for my den and to manually feed them there- the quality of life update would be cool, since it is just an adding of an already existing button, I suppose?

(Edit: Additionally, to avoid button clutter, maybe it could be a user-preference on the Account Settings? I'm sure some people do vibe with the feed to full click, but I, do not.)

Maybe my memory daydreamed the “Manually Feed” button, so uhh- if anyone's reading this and could tell me where that button exist, would be awesome! Because I can't for the live of me find it again, haha- ^^"

11 months ago
corn farmer
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there's a manual feed button on your wolf's page (i dont really like having 2 tabs open just to feed my wolf a banana lol)
for the hunting one, sometimes you have to give additional food for the hunt and you can choose to auto-fill food or select food on your own. its not a manual feed button, but close enough

(i have no opinion on this, just answering lol)


this your pack?
11 months ago

@monarch Oh yeah, thank you! Found it again.

The manually select food is for the "Treasure Chest"-hunt on my end, and it's not to feed your wolves but yeah- it surely is close enough!

Would still love an manually-feed button tho, I only use the feed-button to max out my wolves for hunt. Not really for any other profession… (Ty again!)

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