11 months ago
Save FM searches/don't clear filters after refresh/extra pagination buttons

hi! i didnt see a similar thread in the suggestion index, so here's this!

I would really like an option to save your current set of filters to load in at a later time. It's a bit annoying to have to constantly scroll through a massive list of item/category/color filters over and over if you're searching for something specific. It's a lengthy and repetitive step that get old REALLY quickly.

Another part to this suggestion - stop clearing filters after a refresh of the page. Sometimes I want to reload a page again because I've stared at the same wolves for too long and want to see if there are any new listings! And then I have to reapply my filters over and over again.

And a last part, please add the page tabs to the top of the search results in addition to the one on the bottom. It's not a super big deal but again there's a LOT of scrolling on this site, and anything to minimize that is helpful.

11 months ago

PLEAASE so much support for all of this, navigating the flea market is pretty annoying right now and all these suggestions would help immensely!! :']

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