11 months ago
The Pebble Situation

Now, up until now you were able to grind Pebbles if you put in hours of effort in the Goldsea 4 Stage. It was the one Lucrative stage accessible to newer players / those without The Companions you need to buy with Moonstones.

Pebbles are already quite devalued due to them being needed for nothing but upping Den Slots and buying Moonstones off of other Players. But now, this has been made much harder. Requiring Companions that you either need to buy/Trade for with Moonstones, or a 2-3 Wolf team, at which point you will be using massively more food, slowing the entire Process down massively.

Now overall you dont really need Pebbles but they were one of the only ways to effectively get Moonstones outside of the Shards you get on a daily basis. Right now, even with my farms running constantly with the experiment I did, including cooking all my food, I am nost staying at a positive Pebble/Food Ratio which I think is incredibly sad. If I am grinding Farming, Cooking and the Campaign at the same time, I should be able to sustain myself on Food. I dont mean to say that someone who does not cook food and does not do any farming is supposed to be able to get positive Pebbles, but if you are doing everything there is, you should get rewarded for it!

Thus I suggest significantly upping the amount of food you get out of your Farms, or perhaps increasing the amount of food dropped in the later Stages, I dont quite know which solution would be best, but this is something I'd really like the devs to think about!

Thank you for listening to my rant
Dont yell at me

11 months ago
110 Achievements
General Rank 2
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1

Don't have a suggestion but I do agree that there is an issue with pebbles. I wanted to at least try to get enough pebbles to max dens and exchange for moonstones since that seems like the only way outside of dumping cash into the game / grinding incessantly for shards.


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