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11 months ago
The Lurking
228 Achievements
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I strongly believe that the current MS/pebble ratios are largely due to the fact that everyone is just starting the game. Everyone is trying to gene, everyone is trying to expand, everyone is trying to dress up. Everyone wants MS right now because everyone needs MS, because everyone is just starting out. The site is just shy of a month old, after all!

I really do think that this is only an issue right now due to the infamous “I need it right now and not a second later” attitude pet site players tend to have. How many launches on FR, even after all these years, are plagued with people whining about how they can't get all the things right this instant? When LW has an older player base (and also more currency in the economy) this won't be such a problem. For the record I do think the first expansions (professions and den) should be pebbles, but I do think it's not some awful game-killing decision to make the rest MS. With the subscription service, I have a feeling that in the future MS won't be nearly as hard to get ahold of, once people are finished with their expansions and don't really have too much to sink the MS into.

11 months ago
165 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 2
Cooking Rank 2
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

I agree with the initial responses and I strongly support that the devs need to resolve this issue.

However, for anyone that thinks this isn't really an issue, I have some things to say.
People have no issue with special items, cosmetics and such being for premium currency, but locking expansions, gameplay, behind paid currency is in the direction of pay to win. Saying to simply be patient and wait until there are more players and things balance out simply won't do. People want to play now and they spend hours doing so, and still not feeling rewarded.

Many of us are indeed adults, as a paying for studies college student I do not have the money to spend on games, and neither do I have unlimited amount of time to spend playing them. I think it is true for many other people, adults or younger even. People want to play a game to relax after a long day or just enjoy their free time. Constant grinding and waiting around for the game to "fix itself" is not fun.

There is a very apparent imbalance of things for pebbles and things for moonstones, which is the main cause of this issue. Too many things are for moonstones while almost all of the game's apparel comes from players and is sold for moonstones only. I think they have a good reason for players to buy moonstones already. No one is simply going to purchase moonstones to buy an expansion, but for custom apparel though, yes, they will. In which case changing it back to pebbles, as it was in open beta, would only make players happy and they won't lose out on making sales.

You can like a game and can still be respectfully critical of it. Listening to their players and keeping them happy is the only way they will keep this game alive in the end after all.

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