11 months ago
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Larger/adjustable campaign text + more frequent paragraph breaks?

To be fair a lot of text in the campaign is broken up into manageable chunks, but certain longer passages [like the clan dreams] are a long stretch of text in a somewhat small font and, though I usually like to read dialogue thoroughly in games this has been causing me to gloss over text due to my dyslexia.

Would it be possible to add a site-wide text size toggle or increase text size overall? And break up longer bits into smaller chunks perhaps.

To be completely fair a more dyslexia-friendly font definitely wouldn't hurt either.

The rest of the site, for the record, is perfectly fine for me it's just the campaign story text that's been giving me trouble, and I'm likely to just.. go reread it transcribed elsewhere rather than read it in game as it currently stands sadly :(

11 months ago
51 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 32
Forum Comments: 262

this is one of the examples of text that's potentially too long to comfortably read at campaign's current font size.

It could greatly benefit from being broken up in two at “…Logic.” even without a font size increase

I know Zokhar is a little bit of a bad example because that may be the intended effect with his lecture but that's the untouched campaign quest line i still got and the issue is prevalent regardless of character.

Generally, because of the small space, at least my personal inclination with something like this for readability would probably be to break it up by sentence rather than by line.

I am aware this is ultimately a nitpick, but it is a nitpick addressing which will allow more people to enjoy the clearly hard work the site runners have put into the lore, as I hear clicking through without reading is a very common experience.

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