11 months ago
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WW tokens from non-WW scenario

I think it'd be fun and helpful to casual players if a Knucklebone Token could be gathered from the Discover: Cave event.
To make this work I think it'd have to either be a low chance on a trinket roll for the trinket ending or be its own unique ending, I don't know which would make more sense and be less frustrating compared to the other option.
This would both add a way to get tokens for those of us who can't grind for WW encounters as much and give us a reason to proceed on the cave encounter since it's still a bit of a time-wasting event.

Alternatively, an alternate ending to the Discover: Something? scenario that gives tokens could also be narratively interesting (maybe you found tracks of a wild wolf, but not the wolf themselves?), but the odds of getting that ending would need to be low and I don't know if that would be fun for that event specifically. It could get very frustrating very quickly.

11 months ago

Support on Discover: Something?, since that’s universal across battle areas as far as I can tell. o7 (The cave option is also cute, I just feel like it would disfavor people who WW hunt in later areas than the first accessible one)

I’d honestly like a (very low) chance for knucklebones on battle encounters myself, as there seems to be very little incentive to stop and battle when WW hunting, but I feel that could end up being treated more as a goal than a bonus and frustrate a lot of players in and of itself

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