Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
1 year ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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CA submission rule question

I was reading the CA submission rules, and had a question about rule 10. Submissions may not copy or closely resemble any official game artwork. Does this mean, if I wanted to create custom apparel that complemented existing in game coat patterns, that I wouldn't be allowed to trace over patterns in any way? I also had an idea of making custom apparel that included the torcine companion(with distinct pose from og artwork), but I suppose that wouldn't be allowed? Does that also mean I'm not allowed to make custom apparel with clan banners on them? Or that I can't make a scene that's in any campaign venues?(unique artwork, not the same place and spot pictured in said potential venue, but clearly and intentionally taking place in it)

I also had intended to match line style/thickness and shading style with my CA to fit stylistically with the game, would that just not be allowed? though it appears that's encouraged in rule 17. Designs must loosely fit within the overall style of Lorwolf. For example, artwork that is hyper-realistic will not be accepted.


1 year ago
The Foodie
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Matching the game's style is encouraged. You CAN do clan based stuff (it even has it's own tag, Packs)

Not sure about drawing the game's companions , however, but you can't make exact instances of apparel that are already in the game officially (one example I saw was a pink petal flower fall, because they have one during a spring event)


1 year ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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@Cealygosa tysm!!


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