11 months ago
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[Fishing] Audio Cue

Maybe just a QoL thing for a minority, but I would love the addition of a toggleable audio cue for pools popping up. Just a nice little blip/water splash sound effect when one spawns. Maybe another, different sound for when two spawn at once (BIG splash!)

In particular, I struggle when there's two pools that spawn back to back in the same place. I have very little input to know to react to them because my brain gets stuck on ‘well I just clicked that’. The ripples kind of fade in with everything else, and by the time my brain processes there is a second pool, I can be too late more often than not.

I find audio cues help me a lot with timing-based events, I'm sure it would be a great and fitting addition when the coders find time!

And, I do again think there should be an audio toggle for this for those who don't want to opt into this or dislike the sound of water splashing. I totally understand this isn't an improvement for everyone!



11 months ago
full support . if the profession must be this sort of ‘pull the trigger’ mechanic , an option for some manner of alternate sensory cue ( a sound in this case ) would make it more bearable . then i'd be able to split my attention to something else a bit while i do it , so the simultaneous stress + under-stimulation of simply staring at a screen for sixty seconds would not be as frustrating .
as is , because my particular brain wiring makes these sorts of tasks that are essentially ‘tests of variable attention’ put into game form so unpleasant , i have stopped fishing entirely . and of course with the recent campaign food changes , this is having consequences that now impact the rest of my gameplay . so while my ideal would be changing the fishing mechanic into something either more engaging or fully passive , i will gladly accept any and all tweaks to make its current iteration more accessible instead .
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