11 months ago
104 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
QoL: +Pebbles/+Moonstones Visual While Multi-tasking

Since there are so many activities on this site; I commonly open Mining, Hunting, Farming and Cooking in quarter-sized internet windows on my second monitor. That being said, my main monitor usually has campaign going and some tabs for less time-sensitive stuff. I can't see playing this game any other way with as much ease of use. I can keep my eye on everything neatly as the timers run.

Each time I complete a small group of activities for pebble or (crafting) moonstone gain in my campaign screen; and I eventually complete or collect a reward on something like cooking in my other screen, the +pebble or +moonstone gains from my tasks on the campaign screen show up as part of my cooking reward for example on the other. I get so excited seeing like +8000 pebbles from cooking or a moonstone icon come up and float to my moonstone totals from collecting grown corn. But it's all from my other screen that made currency progress. The other screens are playing catch-up and it's confusing.

It would make more sense if the totals just updated numbers IF the whole page were refreshed sans currency graphics. AND, it would be nice if the cooking only showed what I actually earned cooking and not cooking + other earned pebbles/moonstones.

Thank you for reading!

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