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11 months ago
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1. we don't know that for sure. they simply don't create the site apparel with the sheer speed of the players because there's not that many of them frankly. Not that they Ever could really considering the sheer amount of submissions

2. it's not even been public access for a month, it's a little early to both worry about longevity and to compare it to sites like flight rising which had Ten Years to iron out the economy.

On the whole

I'm Very Sure they're aware of site economy being the way it is, it is just only solvable with adding More Content That Costs Time, so it's kind of the same thing as “suggestion: continue running the site as you would normally” aside from parts that will very obviously cut into their revenue which is something that's actually Much More Likely to hurt their longevity than not having enough wolf clothes to spend pebbles on

games are just Expensive to develop, Expensive to run, and take a lot of Time to make additions to. If in a few month this situation stays as dire, sure, sound the alarm horn but for now this is frankly much less early site funk than on average

because right now people complaining about this sounds an awful lot like “suggestion: make the site give me everything immediately” which is a wee bit entitled imo

11 months ago

I had no idea that den tabs had a limit, that's actually really disappointing cause I thought den tabs costed MS for the organization and aesthetic aspect and wouldn't be eventually required ;; Those should honestly be changed to pure pebbles or give us the choice between the two currencies. Which from what I've heard, was an option for some aspects of the game at some point before full launch, so they technically already had partial pebble sinks and then removed them for some reason, so we're stuck with even less options to spend pebbles on

11 months ago


you don't know this, but i do. i'm a backer who was in the beta discord. this isn't speculation. the current game plan is to spend minimal time working on apparel.

FR has the formula this site needs down to a science. LW isn't a simulator like lioden or wolvden, it's a dress up game with breeding. being able to make wolves look nice is the most valuable thing on this site, that is The Point of Playing. FR has lasted a decade BECAUSE they struck gold with how they do things. getting this right is crucial.

& that is why people are Not suggesting to keep doing things the way they have been. people are suggesting to do things more similarly to FR because the instructions of how to run the economy are laid out right there for them already. the staff may Want more focus on the wolves themselves, but the players decide what is valuable. if people value apparel as a reason to play, then having plenty of reasonably attainable apparel is actually crucial to the site's longevity.

11 months ago
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[no ping because i'm not in the mood to continue this, sorry] i get that but if i wanted to play fr i would just play fr, you know?

11 months ago
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but this clearly just talks about it being Expensive to make apparel and it not being worth it at their scale to focus on it

+ the site Can't be FR because FR makes tons of money and has a huge team which LW has access to neither of. People Need to manage their expectations or they'll get mad over something that was never promised or feasible not being there

11 months ago
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asking for the site's basic gameplay features and progression to not be locked behind premium currency is not being entitled, nothing unreasonable has been said here.

These suggestions are being put forward because we want the economy to remain stable, and it's not unfair to point to a site that has done so well, because research and ideas can be taken from that information. Premium should be for mostly luxury items like breed changes, besprinklers etc, and the big ticket item- custom apparel tokens, which is an endless stream of user-made content and revenue for the site and will always be highly desirable. Nothing gameplay related.

If pebbles do not get more uses quickly, the economy will likely get worse and worse. So it's best this issue is dealt with quickly- and these concerns are coming from beta too, we haven't been here for just a month and nor have these suggestions, it's important that we mention it so it can hopefully be looked into and corrected. Nobody is expecting this to happen overnight, but it also hasn't been acknowledged.

Not acknowledging the gameplay features costing MS quickly means either too many people buy them and now it can never be changed, or the prices get changed to pebbles and people feel bad because they lost their MS. Or ideally the prices get changed and MS are refunded, but I don't know if that's possible.

11 months ago


LW is still distinct from FR, it's more engaging & less overwhelming & thus i actually prefer it personally over FR. using the same general guideline for the economy does not make the websites exactly the same, & they shouldn't shy away doing what works best for the kind of site they created just to arbitrarily differentiate from a similar site LW was inspired by. this will literally kill the site.

what most people suggest in terms of balancing MS prices & making apparel/breed changes/markings more accessible (which again, are the backbone of the website & thus the entire reason to play) are well within reason. FR was not always the staple pet site it is today, it also had humble, messy beginnings. that really isn't a reason against implementing the changes people have suggested. no one is asking for LW to somehow have as much content as a game that's been out for years nor to receive said content immediately.

11 months ago
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i just find it unfair people judge something that's been out for a few weeks purely by how it compares to something that had ten whole years to iron things out and has a big team and has different margins at which it'll continue existing as perfectly profitable [a new petsite can't afford too big a f2p to paying player ratio because of server costs]

again, i'm sure those concerns are far from unheard and will be addressed with time, but there's reasons doing that too soon may have the site operating at the negative

11 months ago

yeah, FR had a decade to iron things out. why are you managing your website so vastly different when the framework is the same? this makes no sense, & players can feel the effects of it. that's why people are complaining. it has nothing to do with lack of resources or funding. LW surpassed its goal AND people are currently spending tons of money on it every day… including me, because everything desirable is an absurd amount of MS.


you are leaning too far in the extreme as if there is no reasonable, moderate way to change how things are done on the site that won't make them go bankrupt in an instant. MS & CA will continue to exist. i see no reason to assume they are struggling or would struggle in the slightest by not making the game excruciatingly p2w & locking game progression behind premium currency. that bare minimum change would not take long to implement, once details are decided upon it's a matter of plugging in different values to the site.

11 months ago
he/him, ae/aer
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FR had a decade to iron things out but they didn't lock gameplay upgrades (some of which, frankly, become necessary - looking at you, mining) behind premium currency from day 1 after silently changing them from the non-premium currency payments they were in a previous version of the game.


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