11 months ago
Payment history for ms and pebbles

It'd be nice to have a list of items and activities I spent my pebbles and moonstones on. The list should expire eventually, for example after a month.

I want this feature for two reasons:

  1. My memory is awful and on Flight Rising I've often found myself missing gems or treasure that I could not for the life of my remember spending. I usually follow my tracks and find the culprit in the end, but a few times I haven't, and it if it happened to be lost due to a bug, I wouldn't even know it.
  2. I bought some custom apparel that I wish to resell, but at the moment, there is no way of knowing how much I initially paid for it unless a copy of it happens to be listed on the CA market. As for one of the items I wish to resell: it is not.

I can't believe it... I'm on a forum signature!!

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