11 months ago
he/him, ae/aer
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Reroll WW Hunt For Free

Today I got 50 KB, and I went and finished my hunts before I listed them on the FM. One of the new hunts I got after completing some was the WW hunt. I now seem to be stuck with it even though I don't have the KB anymore, and it'd cost 1000 pebbles to reroll it (and all the other quests). This is really minor, of course, but I'd like to be able to reroll that hunt in particular for free, or be able to dismiss it or something so that it's not there taking up a slot when I'm not able to actually do it. It only shows up when you have the tokens, so it makes sense to be able to get rid of it when you don't, right?

Like, it's not a big deal at all, but it'd be nice. Even if it's just a dismissal without getting a new one, I'd personally appreciate that so I don't have it begging for my attention.


Cooking/Free Crafting ~ Wolf Leveling

Tip: You can search a username in the Name field of the FM too!

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