11 months ago
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Pebble sink/accessibility concept: campaign auto advance

A little bit of a wild idea but something that will not require many assets to implement (or maybe even none and temporarily use an existing companion but an npc associated would be nice)

Some sort of campaign trail guide?

Basically a convenience service along the lines of Nana and and Tiny and Biggs, - being able to pay an npc a hefty chunk of pebbles to auto advance x amount of encounters for you so long as you're focused on the window (maybe have it ask you to decide what to do in each possible scenario aside from wild wolves ahead of time if you want to skip certain encounters)

This would also discourage potential auto clicker usage by having an official site function that fills the same niche. It won't be particularly at odds with the gameplay I feel as campaign is already an autobattler and it would only remove the IRL Physical Action of clicking the button.

Your wolves will still need to be fed like normal and it'd go the same as/slower than the intended time it'd take by hand but it'd be good to have campaign be accessible for people unable to repeatedly click/press buttons too much

I already make extensive use of Nana's services for the same reason, and I would absolutely use this.

This like the babysitting service will not be a thing everyone uses but I'll make campaign more accessible for people that otherwise can only engage with it in a limited capacity.

To not have this be hunting 2 perhaps only have it active when you're actually on the campaign page and stop and ask for player input on wild wolves and feeding so you can't Just Leave It Running.

So long as you can't just leave it and afk it shouldn't be too op and essentially be the same as the player clicking themselves and it'd help sidestep the dreaded carpal tunnel simulator problem petsites tend to have.

It also should mostly use existing site features and elements and as such hopefully not too expensive to implement.

I understand that not everyone would use it and indeed it's not gonna be intended for everyone(and I'm fully ok with it being suboptimal compared to playing like normal), but it would be both a valuable resource for people with fragile hands and I could easily see ww hunters throwing lots of pebbles into that hole for a slower but more sustainable pace for their exploits

11 months ago
51 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 32
Forum Comments: 262

Saw there already was an extra explore suggestion apparently, but since this has extra ideas I might as well leave it up

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