10 months ago
A way for custom wolf creation "tokens" to not be p2w

We get our original two custom wolves, and they can breed and we can sell their offspring, right? Well, I personally really love the aspect of custom character-making, so what if tokens are just very expensive (for pebbles, not moonstones) and they follow the same rules as our first two wolves? We can't sell them. I think it would be a really good idea, you can create wolves to be your own characters and such, since I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy that, but can't sell them, and if the tokens or tickets or whatnot for buying are pebbles rather than moonstones, then everyone will be able to purchase it. If anyone has any suggestions for how to make this work better, please share.

10 months ago
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No support. I want to breed for the wolves I want, not just create them. I want this to be a petsite, not a doll dress up game.

10 months ago
The Legion
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While I do love the idea of getting more creation tokens than just your two starters, especially since, when you are starting out you are just messing around and afterwards might've done something different had you known more about the game. Also taste changes over time. I know on FR I was all about blues and greens when I started and made a massive shift towards browns and greys with some greens. So I love the idea of rarely getting more custom tokens. I think someone else made this lovely idea that was about once a year, on your account anniversary, you would get one (as a sort of account birthday gift). With the possibility to buy a second one. but that's it for that year. If you want more you have to wait another year. I think I like that even better, because even though pebbles are accessible to everyone, it'd be a lie to say that everyone would be on the same level in terms of opportunity to earn pebbles. Just look at the ms:p exchange rate. You only need 67 moonstones to get 1 million pebbles. So if they were in unlimited supply, it would still give people who have the ability to instantly create currency (moonstones by purchasing it with RLC) the opportunity to get a lot of these tokens. So I really like the idea of limiting the amount you can get per account. The tokens themselves would be accountbound as well, and, as you also said, the wolves themselves would also be accountound.

So I think that would be my only addition, based on that other suggestion floating around; make it a limited amount purchase within a long timeframe. But yes, definitely pebbles! We need more useful, important and desirable pebble sinks.

10 months ago
The Odd
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I would kinda like to see one free customizable wolf per year? Maybe for your birthday or account birthday?

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
10 months ago
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I'm with Synesthesia, birthday wolves would be pretty sick, and since you're only allowed one account per user, there's very little way to abuse that if you aren't allowed to trade them.

10 months ago
The Curious
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I'd only support this if the token and wolves you create with it are account bound, and you only get one per year. i like the idea of getting one on your account's anniversary yearly.


10 months ago
The Star
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I still think having too many custom wolves, even account bound, would have a very detrimental effect on the wolf economy. what about something that lets you recustomize your progens? then you could let them have pups and effectively end up with multiple custom wolves in a way, but the g1 economy would remain pretty unaffected. if your tastes change it would be better than having to roll the dice on sprinkles, and even if you're happy with your progens you could change them for a bit and then change back

10 months ago
The Cuddly
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This would make breeding projects, especially longterms ones, almost entirely obsolete. What's the point of working for anything when you can make it instantly? I only support being able to re-customize progens, and even then with limits. I would probably stop playing if there were anything like this, it just makes the game pointless.


10 months ago
The Scout
Mirror Pronouns
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I like the idea of a once a year opportunity to make a custom wolf. I have a dream wolf that is required to be a gen1 for his lore, but his colours are so specific that the chances of me ever getting him are practically non existent. I don't think a once a year, untradeable would would affect the WW economy horribly


"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"

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