10 months ago
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Item that lets you remove One color from the pool for WWs

So, hear me out:

While I personally am of the opinion that all colors are good and just need the right context to look nice, people have Least Favorite Colors and that's ok

so I propose a potential mother of all pebble sinks - an item that would let you remove One color from the color wheel for wild wolves

[while it could be a MS item and I wouldn't object to that decision as that would make sense, it costing a ridiculous amount of pebbles to remove one measly color would just be 1. useful to keep pebble value stable 2. incredibly funny]

Who is this for?

  • People that have a particular dislike for a specific color
  • People that swear they have the worst color luck and would take the chance to Banish the color they perceive to be haunting them
  • People who WW hunt to sell and therefore would tangibly benefit from excluding one of the less popular colors from the wheel

Assorted game design thoughts and questions

  • You either should not be allowed to stack them At All or have a small limit to how many you can have active at a time so the overall odds effect is stil Tiny. Maybe up to 5 at most.
  • You cannot allow players to 'buy' a specific WW wolf in a way that feels feasible as this has a chance of making this aspect too pay to win. Bottom line - this should not meaningfully alter the experience of a casual player by existing in the game, only make things slightly more enjoyable for the people that want it.
  • Should they be permanent? Have a set period of time they're active? single use? Depends on how the price is balanced though I'm partial to a time period idea
  • Should they apply to besprinklers? should they not? Should there be a besprinkle-specific version?
  • It should probably not apply to breeding, definitely not by default, or be toggleable, though I could maybe see a single-use version to be bought per nest maybe? If there is a breeding ver I could see it being fine to make it cheaper as speeding up breeding projects isn't remotely the same as changing color odds on WWs impact wise
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