10 months ago
Remove Gauntlet Timer

I know the point of the timer is to prevent spam runs of people just refreshing constantly to skip any sort of battle wait, but it can also impact people who do watch the battle all the way through and just have a really good party that decimates the level in less than 30 seconds. I find it makes the early levels such a drag that I end up refreshing anyways because it hardly feels worthwhile to actually watch, I'll be stuck waiting at a timer anyways. And then at the later levels, the knowledge of the timer ends up making me just refresh anyways so that I don't have to wait longer than necessary. I don't think the timer is adding anything to the player experience except annoyance. Either battles shouldn't be something you can refresh to skip in any area of the site, or the Gauntlet timer needs to go.

I also, frankly, don't see a problem with people spamming gauntlet runs. Does it really give any sort of advantage?? If everyone can do it, then no one has a leg up on anyone else. And, honestly, there's a point at which watching the battle is just so boring.

Campaign battles also don't have a timer, so why does Gauntlet need one? Is battle refreshing in Gauntlet really so much more advantageous from doing it in Campaign that it warrants a timer? People are still limited by stamina cost.

10 months ago
Any Pronouns
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Yes, please! The gauntlet timer feels so pointless and just makes the gauntlet drag unnecessarily.
I think the high stamina cost is enough, there doesn’t need to be an added "time cost" as well.

10 months ago
Any Pronouns
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I support this, and I'd like to add that gauntlet and campaign battles lock up my poor computer consistently about 2 seconds into each battle, so I actually have to refresh to get through them. My only alternative is to open up another tab and constantly switch back and forth between tabs to push the battles through 2 seconds at a time (which I actually did for a while until I found out that refreshing works!)

10 months ago

I agree with the general sentiment that gauntlet is gated enough with the extremely high entry cost. devs making us also wait for 30 seconds between matches has resulted in me simply never touching the gauntlet.

why would i play one single battle every 30 seconds that costs 50 stamina and gives me two or three trinkets to sell, when i could use that same thirty seconds to get through 100+ stamina exploring 20+ times, with every single explore giving me a trinket or three to sell? it's just completely pointless.

10 months ago
The Loving
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Support, i watch the battle then still have to wait, i dont like it- so full support


"in my defense, i wasnt supposed to be around this long, so..." /lyr //please dont ping me!

10 months ago
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I'm not a fan of the timer either, but without it, people with very high farming and cooking levels would have so much food that they'll be able to rake in a lot of pebbles in a short amount of time. I usually cash out at around when the prize is at around 10k pebbles. It's way more that I could earn from the campaign. I have 40k stamina points I have no time to use sitting in my hoard from just farming at level 40+.

However, I think the timer should be moved to the end of the gauntlet instead. 30 seconds per level beaten wait til you can start the next gauntlet. Like if you quit after beating lv1. Wait 30 seconds before starting a new gauntlet. If you quit after beating level 10, wait 5 minutes before starting a new gauntlet.

10 months ago
The Lurking
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I really like the idea of moving the timer at the end instead, even if there's an additional penalty on top of that. I wouldn't even mind waiting 20 mins after beating level 10, because honestly I tend to forget about the gauntlet a lot and the 30 second interval is super annoying to me

10 months ago
The Tryhard
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The timer is kinda pointless. The Gauntlet already has an entry fee in food that gates people on how often they wanna rush it.


Beep Boop

10 months ago
The Companion
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I think the timer is partly to reduce strain on the site, too, so it doesn't have to generate a new battle as often, because you're limited with how frequently you can start them. With Campaign, there's a limited number of configurations, and you also often get non-battle encounters, so it may be less strain on the server and therefore less concern. This is just a theory, of course, but that's usually what these sorts of timers are for, in my experience.

That said, I'm really not fond of the timer, either, especially in the early levels. I don't usually beat past level three, and purely for the quest, because the Gauntlet is a nuisance in a lot of ways. If the devs don't wish to remove it altogether, perhaps they could at least make the first few (up to level five, maybe?) either have no timer, or have maybe 10 seconds instead, or something like that. Because those are the ones where you're basically always going to be beating them faster than the timer can count down once you have a couple party members at 10. (Possibly higher, like I said, I don't do Gauntlet much.)

I think a timer reduction would still serve any important purposes fine while being less of a hassle for players. (Although I am all for it being removed entirely if it doesn't serve a functional use besides gating players.)


10 months ago
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yeah timer reduction and/or moving timer at the end would serve the same function as it does now to prevent botting/autoclickers and reduce site strain without hassling an average player as much

10 months ago
The Beastly
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Support! I don't care for watching the battles but I also can't refresh them, so it just starts to drag a lot. I'm totally open to there being a timer for starting a new gauntlet, but at the moment between every battle... its just a hassle.


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