9 months ago
Make the puppy predictor UI a little more intuitive

Because it took me some fumbling around to learn how it works, when it probably doesn't have to be as unclear as it already is.

Ideas (all are various improvements for similar problems, some could be mutually exclusive)

- Change "Preview Custom" (because why is it called preview custom?) to two options, something like "Load Wolf" (aka loading them to the demo) or "Preview Puppies" (loading them into puppy predictor).

- Change "Preview Custom" to "Load Wolf" and add two boxes to either side of the "+" on the nest, where you can click and add wolves via a menu.

- Add the ability to just load wolf IDs directly into the puppy predictor if the real wolves exist, so you don't need to clog up a saved design space with a wolf you already own.

- Definitely already suggested many times, but let us be able to remove/re-add wolves to the puppy predictor without needing to refresh the page.

- 10 pages appears to be the limit, and wolves are deleted without any prompt when you go beyond 10 pages. I do not want a confirmation each time a wolf gets deleted, that is super annoying, but maybe add a "lock" feature that will keep a saved wolf's design and prevent it from being deleted. If a locked wolf reaches the end, it'll just pick the next unlocked wolf to delete. And you can always unlock it to delete it. Maybe this can be like a favoriting system too, with the favorites showing up first? Or the ability to sort by favorite?

- I do really like the color range preview but it's really small. Having it a little bigger would be nice, and maybe even add the ability to hover over specific areas to see the exact colors?

Just some different ideas on how to make it better. Definitely not the only way to do it, but the UI is cluuuuunky right now.


9 months ago
The Companion
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I have not played with it yet, so I have very few opinions, but these sound like good changes! I'm always in favor of things being easier.

One thing I've wondered is why they didn't make a way to load regular wolf IDs, and Saved Preview (or whatever it's called) Wolf IDs. So maybe like, all regular wolf IDs are regular, and saved demo wolves are something like SP#12345, or, maybe just SP12345. So the SP tells the site if it's a Saved Preview, and will load that accordingly. (The exact letters and what it means don't matter.) Or alternately, an option that switches between Demo Wolf and Regular Wolf. So it knows what ID pool to pick from. Something.


9 months ago

Honestly I still can't figure out the UI for it XD it's wildly unintuitive. I think these are great suggestions!

9 months ago
The Merciless
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I strongly support the locking wolf designs. I honestly support them all.


"I laughed with you. I believed in you. I followed you. I cried for you. I fought with you. I grew up with you. And all along. You were never really there."

9 months ago

Absolutely support! It took me coming here and reading all of this to figure out how to use it. Which is so unintuitive its mindboggling.

For anyone else struggling: When you save a design with 'Save Current' you can then click 'Preview...' under the design and it'll add that wolf's design to the Puppy Predictor.

9 months ago

I really want them to add gender symbols to the display. I feel like that would have cleared up my confusion right away when I was trying it out.

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