9 months ago
The Matchmaker
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[Den] Pages within Tabs

(Apologies if this has already been suggested, I couldn't find this particular suggestion after looking back 10+ pages!)

Pretty much what it says in the title. I find it incredibly frustrating trying to organize my wolves in one huge page that I have to scroll down, that will only continue to get worse as I purchase more slots. I'd like to be able to have pages within each tab to further sort and organize, and I think in general it would be helpful for others as well, being able to further sort our den tabs with pages.

Have a tab dedicated to projects? Well, with pages, one could have each project in its own page within that tab! Sales? Keep your sales tidy with pages dedicated to gen2s, wws, and other- or sort them by price! Have lore tabs? Wish you could separate those lore groups of your wolves within that particular tab? Pages would help!

With how expensive new tabs are, I feel like we should definitely have more of an ability to organize and sort our wolves within them. I dont think the ability to separate our tabs with pages should have a cost, given that we're paying for the tab AND the slots already, it should be available as a QOL type thing.

As pointed out, this should be a totally OPTIONAL thing for those who like to have less on one page within a tab! The default should remain what we have, and the additional pages should be something a user can opt to make use of where they wish.

9 months ago
He/Not Him
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That would help alooooot. Support so much!



9 months ago
The Fisherfolk
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Yes, please! I need a way to separate and organize my wolves without buying a new den every single time (I'm a F2P user and I can't use all my hard earned MS there) and pages would really help!

9 months ago
The Helpful
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I only support if pages are optional, not forced! I dont want to have to go through pages per den like I have to for selecting wolves to add to parties

9 months ago
The Curious
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Fully Support! Would absolutely love ;o; and it'd be so incredibly useful


These two work tirelessly to bring home bones as well as new friends. Sometimes they need a break-
If your wolves need a nice rest as well, why not give it to them?

9 months ago
The Friendly
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Den tabs right now is the only way you can organize your wolves, but they're also expensive, and add that on to the fact that slots are attached to each tab rather than your den as a whole... this makes organizing your wolves difficult if you want to also be cost efficient. Also, as Hyatha mentioned, as a f2p player, after buying the first 2-3 slots, I really don't want to spend my hard-earned MS on more den tabs. Especially since I still have to expand within each tab that I buy. But this really limits my organization within my den, since my wolves aren't split perfectly into equal groups, so either I can choose to spend more pebbles than necessary to expand a certain den rather than another one in order to have my wolves in the same place, or I can choose to go the route that's cheaper and have wolves where I don't want them to be. Having pages would help a lot with this issue since even if there were different grouped wolves in the same tab, you can still separate them from each other.

Additionally, 10 tabs is the maximum amount of tabs right now, so what if people want to organize their wolves further? This has not been an issue for me yet, as I do not have 10 den tabs, but I can definitely see this being an issue for other people or perhaps myself in the future when I am able to obtain 10 den tabs. Having a cap on the amount of den slots or den tabs is understandable, but I really wish we can have more ways to organize and separate our wolves.


8 months ago

Hugely support this! I want to be able to have pages within each tab! I have ALL the den slots unlocked (and still not enough space haha) BUT its SO disorganized because I can't organize within the tabs! And so many are related and its hard to tell who's related to who...having pages would allow me to hopefully figure out a better way to organize them. And sales or like maybe I have a sales tab and I'm not able to sell some...so in the sales tab I could create a Release Tab to sort who I want to release.

Huge huge support.

7 months ago
The Hobbyist
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yes! support!

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