9 months ago
NPC interaction/payment options for activities

Just some ideas of what NPC's could do that we don't have yet. We have NPC helper for fishing, cooking, and farming, but not the other 2 and only kind of for mining.

Hunting NPC is a dog and his little puppy sister but I have no idea what their names are. Would love to see maybe a paid fee to Mister Dog (similar to other paid fees to NPCs). What would this fee grant? Who knows? Maybe an extra wolf/companion slot on your choice of hunting trip. Nothing worse than having odd number slots and you know you could complete the synergies if you could just add that one wolf's companion too. Maybe Mister Dog joins your selected trip and you can choose 1-3 synergies for him to have (price 1kp for each synergy, price increases each every time you request him to join. Ex. 1s joined trip would be 1kp, 2kp and 3kp for 1-3 synergies. 2nd trip costs 2kp, 3kp, and 4kp for 1-3 synergies, 3rd trip costs 3kp, 4kp, 5kp etc. OR 1st trip 1-3kp for 1-3 synergy, 2nd trip 2kp, 4kp, 6kp for 1-3 synergy, and 3rd trip 3kp, 6kp, and 9kp, 4th trip 4kp, 8kp, 12kp....) I think synergies would be nice because I've seen hunting trips that require multiple support, multiple primal, multiple tactician, multiple dueler etc (maybe not that exactly but they are those things that (no wolves have or only have 1 matching synergy) only companions have and when you only have 2 companion slots for 3 wolves.....there's no way to get even close to all the needed synergy.)

Crafting NPC is an otter with no name. Maybe a paid fee could let you either speed up crafting time (which is probably the easiest), or decrease each materials needed by one with minimum of one required. Like if something took 10 bone paste and 3 mithril and 8 leather strips, you would then craft it (batches up to 5) with 9 bone paste, 2 mithril, and 7 strips. But if something costs 1 copper bar, you still need to use 1 copper bar so the option to pay the otter is greyed out and not clickable.

Mining NPC is an elephant named Kavi, and we have stoke option but it is just an option to do with no flavor text. I'd love to see something that has some flavor text for Kavi. Or maybe we can pay the elephant to increase chances of rarer materials on a single mining trip, or if you stoke the furnace, maybe additionally paying Kavi will drop required ore to 3 each.

Please note, I have zero idea how coding works, or how things are implemented on site and generally am not thinking of making sure things are super balanced or anything. Please don't be rude when stating no support. Totally cool if you don't agree but I'm just throwing ideas out for fun, not looking to start a heated argument. Please feel free to add your own ideas for NPCs or interaction/payment options :D

9 months ago
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I actually made a similar suggestion for the hunting NPCs a couple of days ago. While I don't think the rewards that hunting gives warrants the kind of prices you mentioned in your suggestion, I do think something like that (being able to add synergies in exchange for a fee, and I also included levels in my suggestion) in a balanced way is necessary, since there are so many impossible hunts currently (and it only gets worse the further you level up)

For crafting; simply speeding the process up feels a bit.. underwhelming. Mind you, I can't think of anything much better for the crafting NPC to do (btw her name is Miss Mac) but in general I always support ways to incorporate the NPCs a bit more and give the professions a more interactive feel.

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