Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago
Lucerna's Wild Wolf Hunting!

Status: Temporarily closed! (Big order + potential price adjustment.)

Seeking a friend, or perhaps a foe? House Lucerna is happy to offer our assistance! In the decadent parties under the pale moon of Darkspine, there's always someone seeking new horizons... For a small fee, our contacts can be put to good use strengthening your clan. Who may be dancing in the dark tonight?

We hope to see you at the party!

~ Robin Lucerna, Esteemed Head of the House

(The letter is sealed with intricate purple wax.)

'ello! You good folks know how these things work, and if you don't, it's pretty easy to understand: I'll hunt down a wild wolf for you! Tighnari and Nap have done this concept first, so please consider checking out their shops as well. c: I'm also using the same pricing model as they are, which goes as follows:



• 25 Moonstones = 1 Wild Wolf + Priority (Moonstone orders take first place in line!)

• 75,000 Pebbles = 1 Wild Wolf

• 35 Knucklebones = 1 Wild Wolf

Custom Apparel:

(I accept all CA!)

• 1 - 49 Moonstones = 2 Wild Wolves

• 50 - 74 Moonstones = 4 Wild Wolves

• 75-99 Moonstones = 6 Wild Wolves

• 100+ Moonstones = 8 Wild Wolves

Specialty Items:

• Volmyr Scroll = 12 Wild Wolves


(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago

"Ah, of course! The devil's in the details, isn't it?"

• You will get the first wild wolf (or wolves) I find after accepting your order - basically, if I have an order active, I won't be keeping any wild wolves I find for myself.

• Payment can be delivered through trades at the time of hunt completion!

• I won't hold myself to a strict time limit to reduce stress on myself, but as a rule of thumb I'll aim to deliver your wolves within four weeks of your order. The exact time will vary based on how nice RNG ends up feeling, how many orders are currently active, and my own schedule - I appreciate your patience. ^^

• Please do your best to accept your wolves in a timely manner! I know things happen, and there's no strict time on when to pick them up, but one of the reasons I wanted to start doing this is because my den's getting pretty crowded. (Oops.)

• When pebble slots are open, it's one slot per person. You can use your slot to order up to a max of 3 wolves. If you'd like a ping when pebble slots are open, just let me know!

• Feel free to give me a shout if you have any further questions! I don't bite~

Order Form:

Username & ID:

Payment Method:

Number of Wolves:


(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago

Active Orders:

1.) Starcrow (8/8 wolves)

2.) Lotus (3/3 wolves)

3.) Zelda (3/3 wolves)

4.) Tighnari (3 wolves)







(Pinglist for slots opening: @/Tighnari @/SATURN @/Zelda @/Lotus)

Past Hunts:

A little space for some of my favorites from past hunts. (If you'd prefer your wolf not be featured here, that's no problem at all, just let me know!)


(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago

And we're open! Fire away. c:


(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
207 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 23
Forum Comments: 816
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2

Username & ID: Nap #2578

Payment Method: KB

Number of Wolves: 1

Of course I had to come in here and order! Always happy to see more services like this being offered to the player base<3


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago


It's the OG! I'm honored. :D

Thank you for the order! I'm on the case~


(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago

Username & ID: omori#2654

Payment Method: Pebbles

Number of Wolves: 2


1 year ago


Excellent username~ Order accepted, I'm on it!


(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago

Username & ID: Zani #1380

Payment Method: Pebbles!

Number of Wolves: 1 :)

1 year ago


Aye aye, confirmed! Thank you for ordering.

(Image credit: Official art from Library of Ruina.)

1 year ago
The Exhausted
464 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 23
Forum Comments: 598
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 4

Assuming you're still open-

Username & ID: Stellori #583

Payment Method: Pebbles!

Number of Wolves: 1


As the stars appear, I know I'll find you staring at the sky
Pointlessly reaching for some light you hope to guide your sorry way

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