8 months ago
Custom Apparel Section in Mole Market?

hey! so idk how to phrase this, but it feels like the site's sorta, like, divided content-wise. like you have the official apparels that are still few because the site only launched so recently, and then you have an outpouring of custom, fan-made content under custom apparel and never the two shall cross. but that can make the mole market feel sort of stale, i think. because whenever it refreshes, you get used to the same 25-30 apparel items and rarely get to see or use any of the customs unless you actively scroll through the dedicated custom apparel tab, which feels a lil outta the way. sorry if this makes no sense im awful at explaining lmao.

so i was wondering, maybe a little section in the mole market for randomly selected custom apparel? can't randomly be given for free, but gives the shop (and site) some new life through consistently seeing new and interesting stuff without putting any strain on devs to be constantly making new apparel to keep the game feeling fresh when there's more important things to tend to like overarching plot, quests, etc!


8 months ago
The Foodie
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I dont know how necessary it is, but it does sound interesting...though I feel like if someone wants to buy a CA they'll flip through the few pages to find one they want, MS isn't something people want to spend unless they are absolutely certain of their purchase...taking the time to go through the CA shop is a sensible thing to do

It does bring an interesting addition if some are randomly advertised in the Mole Market, and I dont really see a problem with it, so I'll give my support for it

8 months ago
The Odd
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No support. I worry that if we do a random selection of CA in the mole market, it will start to appear as though you need to buy it as part of the game. The Molemarket should be for official site apparel, or items that benefit game play.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
8 months ago
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I don't like it because I think adding more categories to the MM will make it too busy visually.

Also, more of a personal thing, but buying 'new' thing from MM gives me feeling of satisfaction because over time, it's like checking off a list as 'new' marking vanishes. With random CA, I'll never have that satisfaction.

I think it would be cool for CA shop to have randomized featured CA tho or something similar to that


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