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7 months ago
The Scout
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[Breeding] Two breeding suggestions

Suggestion one: I think it would be cool to be able to create bonded pairs that can only breed with each other. This would help prevent accidentally breeding the wrong wolves, and would make it slightly easier to breed specific pairs

Suggestion two: When you select a wolf to breed related wolves should be removed from the list of potential mates. Right now they are greyed out and unclickable, but they still show up in the list. This creates a lot of unnecessary noise and can make it harder to find the wolf you want to breed. My current main breeding wolf is related to more than half the wolves in my den and picking her mate out of her sea of children sucks


"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"

7 months ago
The Curious
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“I have no idea where this will lead us,
but I have a definite feeling it will be
a place both wonderful and strange.”
― Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks

7 months ago
The Legion
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I like the first idea. As for the second, I would prefer it if there was an option to search/filter that included eligible wolves only. With a bunch of wolves, I can only imagine the confusion and frustration people might get if they are not able to locate a specific they want to breed in their sea of wolves, only for it to turn out to be too related and therefore not showing up. Even better (I feel like i'm sounding like a broken record at this point), add search functions based on the name of the wolf, the breed of the wolf, the specific den it is in. Order options based on name, ID going both ascending and descending.(and please make it consistent across all wolf-selection areas on site)

7 months ago

support!! im terrified of accidentally pressing that “start breeding” button and making the wrong wolves have pups. especially since there’s no confirmation


i set my friends on fire and now theyre all lit up

7 months ago
The Stinky
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Support (as long as we can "un-bond" them), especially for option 2, just filter out related wolves altogether.

(Edit: Fixed a typo)

7 months ago
The Curious
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Support! Lovely ideas o:


These two work tirelessly to bring home bones as well as new friends. Sometimes they need a break-
If your wolves need a nice rest as well, why not give it to them?

7 months ago
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I play another game that has this option and quite honestly I dislike it. It would be okay if this was something that was easy to turn on or off at any time without penalty, and as long as it is opt in and not something you absolutely are required to do. I like having the ability to breed anyone to anyone at any given time.

You are right about the search for an eligible mate being tedious if you have a lot of wolves. Also the inconvenience of trying not to accidentally breed the wrong one. I get around accidentally breeding some of my male wild wolves and five digits I want to maintain unbred by going through and listing them on the flea market as studs every 7 days for 10,000 moonstones and then immediately canceling the listings. At least this takes them out of the potential queue and I don't risk hitting the wrong button and accidentally breeding them. But this doesn't work for females and so occasionally I will list a female I don't want to breed on the flea market for a ridiculous amount of money no one would ever pay for her just to get her out of the queue as well.

These are workarounds by necessity and not by preference. Simply having the ability to toggle a wolf onto a state similar to cool down without having to go through all these steps would be a big help, and then the ability to select a box that you don't want to breed a wolf at all so it doesn't even show up in the queue would be equally amazing. I think these are already suggestions somewhere in the forums because I'm pretty sure I have supported them before. Any option that gives me control over who shows up in my breedable wolves selection rather than having the default be everybody in my pack, I'm happy to support.

2 months ago
Bone Copy
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Support for the bonding feature as long as it's not required and easy to switch on/off (so, just a shortcut for breeding), but either multiple bonds or polygamous bonds should be possible too.

(and removing related wolves is obviously a must)


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

2 months ago
The Tenacious
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I definitely support steps towards improvement for a lot of the lists in this game that get exponentially more tedious to sort through, and the breeding ones are no exception. Better and more responsive toggles, plus ways to pare down those overwhelmingly large den lists would probably make "pairing" unnecessary, but I'm not against extra shortcuts either.

Being able to sort by eligibility, breed, by the name of the den they reside in, etc. are all very useful suggestions that I'm surprised the game didn't launch with tbh.

2 months ago
The Merciless
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"I laughed with you. I believed in you. I followed you. I cried for you. I fought with you. I grew up with you. And all along. You were never really there."

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