7 months ago
Simplify Log-in Captcha...?

I think it's great that the site wants to verify users who log in! Can't go wrong with that layer of security. However, I've found that on occasion, the Captcha challenge can become an irritation when it can't verify you, and it proceeds to make you skip through 20+ prompts because the system gives you challenges that are impossible to answer correctly (the images provided either cover the majority of the prompt screen or are terribly captured).

I'm not sure if anyone else has had this happen to them, but this has hit me twice already; and curiously enough, both times on mobile. I feel like this isn't a bug (but if it is, it can't be Lorwolf's), and I can't be the only person who's gotten stuck Captcha'ing for a good few minutes. I thought it may be a potentially good idea to change the type of Captcha we're given to verify ourselves, like for example, entering displayed characters in a text box. Maybe that's less secure, but there's also less chance for the system to get choked up.

Or, maybe there's another way to go about verification that can be exclusive to Lorwolf? Without relying on a third party? Just a thought!

7 months ago
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i remember having a ton of trouble with it too, almost discouraged me from trying to make an account at all :/ i don't actually remember what it was now but i remember compleying it took a lot of time, even on a pc

it could use an audio captcha option at least, i'm not even a native speaker and those are easier for me than modern visual captchas :(


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

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