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7 months ago
The Tenacious
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Shards & Gems eating Stoke procs -- bug or intentional

Nobody that I've talked to has a clear answer, just suggestions, so I'd like to get to the bottom of this one since I haven't seen it officially mentioned whether it's behaving as expected?

Are stoke procs supposed to be used by items that only require one "ore"-- MS shards and these fancy new gems? Or is this considered an intentional feature of the mechanic? :>

I'm aware of how to play around it, I don't need suggestions for that-- Just want to know if it's on a list to be fixed or if it's not considered broken in the first place.

7 months ago
The Snacker
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As far as I'm aware, yes, they're supposed to. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but it's been using stoke procs ever since I've been a member. I've never seen a mod say that it's a bug so I fully believe this is intentional

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7 months ago
The Curious
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As far as I'm aware, yes, they're supposed to. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but it's been using stoke procs ever since I've been a member. I've never seen a mod say that it's a bug so I fully believe this is intentional
The thing is, no one ever asked whether it was a bug or not. Every one assumed it was intentional. Exactly like the moderation message not being sent. No one knew a moderation message should be sent, so it never occurred to anyone it was a bug. We could be in the same situation here, that's why we need an official statement on that.

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7 months ago
The Tenacious
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As far as I'm aware, yes, they're supposed to. I'm not exactly sure why that is, but it's been using stoke procs ever since I've been a member. I've never seen a mod say that it's a bug so I fully believe this is intentional
The thing is, no one ever asked whether it was a bug or not. Every one assumed it was intentional. Exactly like the moderation message not being sent. No one knew a moderation message should be sent, so it never occurred to anyone it was a bug. We could be in the same situation here, that's why we need an official statement on that.

Yup, precisely! Until something is explicitly stated not to be a bug, the length of existence doesn't mean it's not a bug-- some things have just been broken since launch that we aren't even aware of, like the moderation notes. :P

An official answer on this would be most welcome!

7 months ago
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@Reave Hi there! We are aware that players were facing this issue, and the Dev Team have been working on a fix for this bug. We will notify players once the fix has been launched via the Patch Notes.

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7 months ago
The Tenacious
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Great to hear, we'll be eagerly waiting.
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