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4 months ago
The Resourceful
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Look, i'd agree that something about cooking needs to change. Right now, it is not worth my time waiting 5 minutes to cook 1 complex recipe, when I can pump out 20 cooked steaks for more overall stamina. It requires too much time and babysitting.

But I believe the problem is the upper end of cooking (and food) is balanced wrong, not the lower end.

Complex recipes are locked behind items like salt and pepper, which drop from one encounter (in an area that doesn't have WW encounters so no one wants to go there) - they are now sold for tickets once every 2 months or so but it's not enough. Recipes should either remove the need for stuff like salt or pepper, or have it constantly available for purchase in the MM (or also add a WW encounter to all locations).

Some recipes need to drastically reduce / change ingredients, the pot should be bigger, or possibly both. The limited number of cooking spaces for recipes like wheat means these recipes are essentially useless; and then locks out the higher recipes as expanding the cooking pot is locked behind premium currency - sorry LW but I am not spending $20+ dollars on cooking, and i'm not wasting my time cooking 6 wheat into 1.

As far as stamina goes, I don't agree with a straight out nerf, if it's *only* a food nerf (no surprise, right). Campaigning is a ton of fun, and these changes seem like a reaction to one person abusing the campaign. You can burn through a whole bar of stamina in 2 minutes from average campaigning.

Nerfing food stamina will nerf the biggest drawcard and structured activity on the site and you will see a significant drop in activity onsite if it's done wrong.

If stamina points were to be nerfed, then it should be balanced by more passive ways to regain stamina other than just waiting an hour or so, such as removing the swap out timer on wolves, significantly faster regeneration of stamina, lower the stamina cost per encounter, increase the food drops in campaign etc.

Long story short, I do think careful and well-balanced changes could have a positive impact on the site and make cooking more desirable - it should be desirable! But it will kill a lot of interest in LW if you make it impossible to play for long periods of time (or really more than 2 minutes every 15 minutes) because stamina is so restricted.

4 months ago
The Handy
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I think basing cooking slots on finished food rather than raw food would solve a lot of problems. At that point you wouldn't need to reduce the stamina output of grey cooked food, because cooking 12 catfish to get 240 points of cooked fish would be much less attractive than cooking 12 pumpkin pies for 720 stamina points. As it is un-expanded pots only have room to cook 2 pies for 120 stamina, so the fish are a better deal.

Making this change rather than reducing the stamina of low level food will provide an incentive for people to improve their cooking skill without penalizing new and casual players who can only cook fish without burning things.

4 months ago
The Playful
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My main beef with complex recipes is how many ingredients takes up a slot along with the time it takes to cook. This is as someone who has expanded all the cooking slots. There's still not enough space. Complex recipes take too long, take too many slots, and take babysitting to optimize. It's inefficient....with maxed out slots. Now try to imagine what it's like for a player who can't pay for that, or a new player who is getting a feel for this game and whether they want to stick around or not.

I still think MS unlocks for slots is horrible, and I'm saying this as someone who paid to unlock all of them. I'd rather use my MS for buying pretty wolves, breed and gene changers, and CA (CA should be your main MS sink, not punishing free players into paying for quality of life). Even though I already paid for mine, I would fully support getting rid of the MS cost, even at my own loss, if it will help others have a better experience. We play games for fun ultimately, and if people are having fun, then the money will flow in for your product.

I can remember what it was like for me when I was a new player and how difficult it was to get food. I had to stop doing the campaign story, go do fishing, cook any fish I got, and if I used that up, oh well I wait until I get more fishing turns or until my stamina regenerates. I remember that very well. You really need to think about what the new player experience will be like before making these changes. Cooked food should be added as campaign story rewards to help new players move along and progress.

As said in above posts, Lorwolf has a nice cycle of activities that will balance out the things you do as long as you keep following the activities. If stamina is nerfed, it interrupts those activities and then the player is left waiting for cooking. Wait time is not healthy. Players will get bored and go to another game they have open on another tab (I have 5-6 different browser games open at any given time). Anything that loses player attention is never good.

If nerfing stamina is an attempt to limit botting, it's not a good one. It hurts casual players and people who are playing the game honestly. There are software solutions that can detect botting. Then you can find the real botters and deal with them directly without nerfing gameplay for casual and honest players.

4 months ago
The Initiate
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I'm in favor of this change, personally. I like the idea of cooking needing to mean something, since I've basically been feeding cooked meat and fish exclusively and have over 3,000 stacks of corn/broccoli/catfish. There simply was no incentive for me to ever bother making higher-tier food items because of how much space and time it took to cook them. Why bother with a seafood feast when I could simply cook 16 steaks instead? I could nail out the bounties for feeding wolves and cooking food quicker that way, and it kinda made collecting and making higher level recipes feel like a waste.
That being said- I think this needs to be done correctly to be effective. Farmed foods should perhaps be moved to a higher rarity tier than grey food items that can only be used in cooking/found via exploring (ie, the livid snails), because farming gives a pretty good amount of food per crop yield, but requires more effort than exploring. That'll make it so that new or more casual players aren't punished for being unable to buy or create high-tier food items, and ensure that they still have a good source of food with stamina-enhancing properties while still having an incentive to cook higher tier meals. There should also be a suite of new recipes rolled out BEFORE the nerfs occur so that when they are implemented, said newer/more casual players will have a host of options to choose from before they start suffering from the stamina debuffs.

Also, the core of the economy issue is the fact that everything is so heavily biased towards using moonstones right now; there's pretty much always a huge demand for moonstones, but very little for pebbles. Reverting to upgrading the cauldron with pebbles would make cooking complex recipes and incentivizing the trade of lower level ingredients overall more effective, and I'm saying that as someone who has already spent MS upgrading my cauldron. There's just too much stuff that you have to purchase for moonstones and not enough for pebbles, so until that is addressed we likely won't see people being willing to sell their ingredients, unfortunately.
4 months ago
The Handy
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I never had a problem with the food system, I always had enough food to play as much gauntlet/campaign/mining as I wanted, I throw stuff in the pot whenever and never felt pressed or desperate to do so.

As long as the new changes don't affect that, I don't care. I'm willing to wait and see what happens, rather than predict problems. I do actually like a bit of inventory management & planning.

Focusing on the end results, as long as game play isn't interrupted by constantly needing & waiting on Thumbs, I'm fine. As long as I can keep my wolves fed, I will keep playing.

Thanks for the update, I hope it works out.

4 months ago
The Baker
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Hah! I've been sitting here trying to word my thoughts, and HallowedKnight said it better than I ever could!

I cook a lot, it has become a core part of my gameplay more than the wolves at this point. I'm a fan of just about every update and the one proposed is no exception. I do however agree with the common sentiment that no food should be nerfed to below the stamina required for one exploring turn, especially with how difficult it is to balance stamina as a new player already. Little support on the single-slot complex recipes though; I like the idea of less slots because yes it fills up the pot, but multiple slots feels more sensible since it's such a big meal. If we reduced meals down to selected slots, I'd compromise with 3 slots for the most complex recipes and 2 for mid-tier recipes. Huge support on moving crop yields to a higher category than exploring foods, i've never thought about that and I love the idea.

That being said, I still wish expansions were in pebbles. Like everyone else saying it, I would not benefit from this but if it was in pebbles I could have probably been making sales for pebbles more often. I don't really like the idea of tiers in the sense of incorporating sales and trade; it depends a lot on new players giving up their limited cooking slots to produce ingredients that they themselves do not benefit from. I can't expect that from a new player who has only the vaguest idea of how lorwolf works. The reason why I managed to balance my food and stamina was because I played the beta where it was a tremendous problem I had so of course I wish that on no one. Definitely push out the new recipes before the nerf at least. I only have so much food I can give away to the people affected.


I love you. I want us both to eat well.

4 months ago
The Odd
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Now that I am home, I also think that food should never go below 5 stamina. If you do decide to make food stamina costs less, then energy needs to replenish faster, simply to keep the game flow going. Hunts should absolutely cost less overall as well stamina wise, if you're nerfing food, or they should also take less food. 50 food items at 2 stamina for a single wolf hunt is painful to start with compared to five cooked fish.

Also, expand the cooking pot as one levels in the profession to make it less punishing to cook those higher level recipes, and I say this as someone who's bought all the expansions because I like having less clutter, and would rather cook the bigger items, so I don't have a massive inventory. You can add two slots to the pot for every five levels, as an incentive to cook more stuff, or bigger stuff.
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
4 months ago
The Beastly
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I have a lot of thoughts, and some of the things other people have said here I agree with! So I'll start with my opinion.

As it is, Lorwolf is HEAVILY reliant upon food, stamina, and having a consistent stream of: cooking -> feed wolves -> do actions -> get more ingredients -> cook more food. repeat. That's essentially the only meaningful "gameplay loop" that the game desperately clings to. If you're going to change it, be smart about it. Like many have said, the way cooking works right now is heinous. The only reason to cook complex recipes is to collect them for funsies, like I enjoy doing. There aren't even achievements for cooking specific hard dishes or any associated reward, as the stamina output compared to cost requirement (ingredients, time, and space used in the pot) are absolutely not worth it unless you like the commodity of completing a recipe book.

Reducing the amount of ingredients needed helps, but only..... a smidge. I'm still not going to wait 30 minutes over and over just to make PB&Js because I need to grow crops, then make flour, and then bread, and then the jam, an--
You see where that can get extremely annoying? Especially if I can only make 4-5 of those things at once. I don't have the time nor patience to do that. BUT! I do really like the idea that's here! It's imperfect right now, but that's to be expected, and I appreciate you communicating this change with us to listen to feedback! If I didnt think it mattered, I wouldn't be typing this lol.

What can be done instead?

Like I said, I do like the concept that's going on here. Having ingredients lead to lower tier foods then mid and higher tier foods makes sense. It can make for fun ideas in the future, and honestly I'd have a ton of enjoyment just exploring to see if things like honey and bacon can be combined into a dish, and then see if I can add eggs or something. But I think the method should be different.
I like Gaia's idea for there being a restriction to the amount of PRODUCT. Not a limit on ingredients, often leaving you with not enough room to do something so you just fill it with fish or whatever. I'm pretty sure putting a pumpkin pie and fish in a pot isn't going to end well...

On top of that, I want to offer an additional idea. A "prep station" as I'll refer to it. After you have cooked the food, you can go to the prep station part of the cooking page and combine things. Perhaps as you "level" you gain new tools, styles and expertise? This can mean chopping meat into bits for soups early on, then when you get better you can unlock glazes and seasonings, and that could lead to new recipes in the pot! If a player tries to make something that doesn't quite exist yet, rather than getting ashes from the prep station they could get something that just does a little stamina or could be traded in for a single ingredient (since it will likely cost ~3 at least to make something, plus cook time and such. It's a small trade off but something better than.... Yay, ashes...?)

I think the team has the right idea, and many wonderful ways to go about it! I'm hesitant about how it will work going forward, but I'll remain optimistic. I don't like how horribly grind-y EVERYTHING is, so having things change is very welcomed!!


Passively playing, responses may be slow. I appreciate your patience!

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4 months ago
The Calm
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I just really don't find complex cooking enjoyable whatsoever right now due to essential cooking items being locked to the first area of Goldsea. How is salt common when that area is busy giving me the 300th bag of useless bugged quest oats? Now simple recipes are going to get a nerf, so I'm kind of concerned...
4 months ago
The Pickiest
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Personally, I'm excited to see these changes and what they look like when they are actually ready for release!

I can't judge how specific nerfs will affect gameplay overall, so I'll wait to see how it all comes together. It does like these are in conjunction with other updates (as someone said, the gold pickaxe reduces reliance on stamina).... so maybe there's a plan to direct where stamina is supposed to be a relevant limiting factor and where it shouldn't hinder things? Curious how that will shake out for sure.

Also, I have huge stashes of food building up despite my grind, so I don't hate the idea of some nerfs in general.... but I'd have to see how sustainable food is in the long run. And it may affect gameplay differently for new players, so hopefully balances are being considered at both ends of the user experience.


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