Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago
The Helpful
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Tomster's Free Wolf Giveaway (Open!)

Tomster's Free Wolf Giveaway!!

What is this?

It really helped me out when I first started being able to have free wolves from other generous users, such as Nap! Thanks for the idea btw Nap :D

So, I've opened up this giveaway! I have wolves constantly breeding so I should be able to constantly refill the giveaway. I'm determined to always put the prettiest wolves in the giveaway, and the ugliest up for sale, so that way everyone can have the absolute prettiest wolves available to them!

How many wolves can I have?

You can have three wolves every 24 hours! I'll keep track of who's gotten wolves and how long it's been since they got one - if 24 hours have passed since you last requested one, feel free to request again!

There's no limit to how many wolves overall you take. Whether you're a veteran player or a newer one, the wolves are here for your taking!

If I manage to get enough den spots + enough wolves breeding every day, then I may open it up to 2 or 3 wolves a day! That's a while away though :') I've made the judgement to up it to 2 a day now! Just be warned, that might change over time :) Changed it again to 3 wolves a day! I have a surplus of pretty wolves and I thought more people would be interested in the giveaway - so I have plenty to give!

How do I request one?

It's simple - all you have to do is fill out the following form after checking out which wolf you want in my giveaway den and post it in the comments below!

Which wolf (or wolves) would you like? (Name + ID):
Anything else?:

After you request a wolf, I will try to be as quick as possible in giving it to you! I'll dm you with the wolf you chose and you can claim it right then and there :)

Any rules?

Yes!! Please read them!!

There have been a number of people who have requested wolves that were unavailable because they didn't read the rules. Thank you!

There are going to be some very basic rules:

  • Don't be rude to me under any circumstance. If you're being rude or pushy then I will block you and ignore any comments you may make on any of my forum posts.
  • If you don't accept a wolf within 24 hours, I will cancel the trade, and anyone can claim the wolf at that point. If you do this multiple times, I will stop responding to your requests. However, if you really love a wolf and know you can't claim it immediately, just talk to me and I can hold it for a couple of days for you!
  • Wolves that are claimed will either have a T at the beginning of their name or be moved to another den until they are taken by whoever wants them. If a wolf has a lone 'T' at the beginning of their name, make sure not to ask for them!
  • If it's clear you didn't read the rules when you request a wolf, I'm simply going to tell you to reread them before granting your request. If you do this multiple times, you will be barred from the giveaway.
  • Please message me when you claim your wolves. It helps me out a bunch!

That's it for now! If I think of any other rules, I'll add them to the list :)

Do you accept donations?

At this moment, donations will not be necessary! Thank you for the consideration and thought however <3

Thanks for checking this out! Hoping this can help tons of players <3 if you want a wolf, just comment! :D

Special thanks:

Thank you PearlWonder99 for donating many wolves!
Thank you Vespur for donating wolves!

Currently, 135 wolves have found loving homes!

1 year ago
The Gardener
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Username: Phlox

Wolf: Saffron 346754

Anything else: Thank you! :)


Are you snack-a-lackin or are you lackin-a-snack? - Penny Pack Food Bank (Free Food!)

Check out my Sales Den! Flexible prices, open to trades!

1 year ago
The Helpful
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@Phlox Sent! Enjoy your new wolf :)
1 year ago
The Handcrafted
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Username: PearlWonder99

Wolf: Pupperoni 347578

Anything else: Thanks! •ᴗ•


1 year ago
The Helpful
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Sent! :D
1 year ago
The Helpful
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Changed the limit from 1 wolf to 2!
1 year ago
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Username: falcoeur
Which wolf (or wolves) would you like? (Name + ID):
1. James Bond #346751
Maive #346045
Anything else?: thanks so much!
1 year ago
The Helpful
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1 year ago
The Restless
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Which wolf (or wolves) would you like? (Name + ID):
1.) Songbird #346041

2.) Rainfall #348633

Anything else?: Would it be possible to snag another offspring of Marshmallow and Air? James Bond #346751 is such a lovely outcome but I see he was asked for before I saw this thread haha. Thank you so much, you have a crazy awesome collection of characters!!
1 year ago
The Tenacious
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Username: KeraRose

Which wolf: James Bond #346751

Thank you!

1 year ago
The Helpful
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Sure! I can let you know when they next have pups :) might be a couple of days but I'll let you know asap! Sending over your other requested pups now :)


Sorry, James Bond has already been claimed by Falcoeur. Are there any others you'd like instead? :)

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