Hello! This is where I’ll be posting wolves and companions for sale. All payments are in ms.
- Don’t be rude to me or anybody else
- If someone asks for a wolf before you and they have enough to pay for it, then it is theirs
- If you want a specific wolf but are either not sure or low on ms, then you can ask to reserve it. A wolf can only be reserved once by a player over the course of three days. Once this time period ends, the wolf will be open to the public again.
- If you are interested in buying an expecting wolf with her pups, then you can get her pups I plan to sell for free only if she reserved by you when she gives birth
Current wolf(ves) for sale:
Name: Icicle
Gender: Female
Reserved? No
Expecting? No
Price: 3 ms

Possible Rewards

x2 Spring Folium (2ms each)

Possible Rewards

x1 Moorbear (1 ms)

Possible Rewards

x2 Furlog deer (1 ms each)

Possible Rewards

4x Basidio (1 ms each)

Possible Rewards

4x Radiant Kuzma (2 ms each)

Possible Rewards

4x Rodill (1 ms each)

Possible Rewards

x1 Magic Monstropod (5 ms)

Possible Rewards

x3 River Kapuras (1 ms each)