Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
10 months ago
The Handcrafted
190 Achievements
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Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 1
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Farming Rank 1
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Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1
Pearl Wonder’s Breeding Program

Hello! Here you can either breed my wolves with yours or choose two wolves of mine to breed together so that you can buy their pups.


- Don’t be rude to me or anybody else

- If you would like to breed one of you wolves with mine please ask me first. I have the right to deny your request

- If you want me to breed two of my wolves, please check that they both are not on breeding cooldown and specify whether you want their pups or not (I will decide which pups will be for sale when they are born)

- If you are interested in buying an adult wolf, then please go to my wolf/companion sales

- If you are buying a pup and would like a pedigree, I will make one for you going back until the pup’s grandparents. Please note that requesting a pedigree will add +1 ms to the original price of the pup

Current wolves up for breeding:

Name: Ivy

Gender: Female

Mate: Shadow

Expecting? No

On cooldown? No

Name: Raven

Gender: Male

Mate: Ivy

On cooldown? No

Name: Tawny

Gender: Female

Mate: Oak

Expecting? No

On cooldown? No

Name: Oak

Gender: Male

Mate: Tawny

On cooldown? No


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