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10 months ago
The Gladiator
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New items looks amazing! Especially those new familiars. But seasonal arena doesn't load for me. Someone have any idea why's that?


10 months ago
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@Sowenia Can you try leaving your match and reloading the game to see if this triggers the arena to load?

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10 months ago
The Gladiator
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@Quiche Yup, it worked. Thank you for help ^-^

10 months ago
The Star
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Definitely appreciate the changes, really hoping this time it will be less stressful-
Thank you for listening to everyone who played through it

though the caches thing is confusing to me, how do we get those?
10 months ago
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@HaloCat The pack-related Caches will appear in the seasonal event shops and will contain soft-retired seasonal apparel within them. Other details about these Caches are unavailable now as we monitor and make changes reflective of community feedback and suggestions. Thank you for your question!

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10 months ago
The Legion
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Glad to see some player feedback being implemented. A couple of questions though:

The update mentions the new soft-retiring regime for the previous icerun event and a chance for players to exchange the non-retiring apparel for retiring variants. However, if I had known back then that the apparel wouldn't retire, I wouldn't have spent all the tickets on just the apparel. I would've bought more extra copies of the retiring companions as well. Is there a possibility to exchange the non-retiring apparel for companions as well? Otherwise i'm really gonna be drowning in that apparel...

The update also mentions specifically that the EPIC set is retiring. For the Murkwood event, the Bogskull is of epic rarity, but the way that it is placed in the announcement thread gives off the vibe that it isn't part of the 'set' sort of speak. So my question is - will the bogskull soft-retire or will it return in future years?

As for some initial feedback/reaction; Like some others have said, definitely sad that the devs doubled down on the consumed boss variants being unavailable. I made a suggestion about this, but in short it emphasises the disparity between those who did and those didn't support the KS. Plus it is almost taunting the way they do show up in the companion overview (including reward you get from playing with them) but then not have them be available.

And the site is soooooo slow. So while the slightly lowered prices and less retiring items are a good thing, It is frustratingly painful,, or painfully frustrating. I feel pain, and I am frustrated by how slow it is. LOL


10 months ago
The Broken
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This is so exciting!
10 months ago
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Hello there, just swinging by.

There has not been a final decision regarding the Consumed Bosses and how to obtain them if they become available. We will, however, remove them from the companion overview as the topic continues to be discussed. Recruiting a powerful boss would have to be an impressive feat indeed.

Icerun Seasonal Companions can now be exchanged for, those who have already exchanged will be notified of the changes and to check if they'd like to change their decision.

Bog Skull does not have the (2024 Murkwood Seasonal) in its description and is, therefore, not a soft-retiring item. It will be available each year.

I have updated the notice in the Dev Update to reflect these changes.

The Dev Team has been notified of the site's slowness, which is due to higher-than-normal traffic, and is working on addressing this as soon as possible.

Thank you for your feedback.


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10 months ago
The Handy
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Love the new content!

I didn't have a problem with the last seasonal event, and this one feels a little like everything is just handed to me. It's the first day of 30 and I already have all four event companions, all six murkwood consumed companions, full murkwood apparel set, bog skull, banner, and forum decor. And all this is after a full day at work.

I like playing this game, but this is bringing my interest down enough that I think I'll skip buying extra moonstones for the new companions. The gameplay isn't really that meaningful.

10 months ago
The Greenhorn
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Are we getting a Consumed Sludgeamander or Consumed Vulkira? In the Icerun event we got a Consumed Crystalapin so I was surprised there wasn't a consumed version of one of the seasonal Murkwood companions -- would really love to see one, especially a Vulkira!

The pace of this event feels a million times better than the Icerun event. I love the adjustments - really feels like I'll be able to enjoy the gameplay and get all the goodies I want without burning out like last time. Such a relief.

I do wish the regular Arena could be as fast as the seasonal PvE Arena. Would prefer a PvE Arena option be available all the time!


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